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All 'ListenForEvent' Events?

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7 minutes ago, FurryEskimo said:

I would, but for some reason I'm not able to do such a search on the game files, only the mod files.

You'll need to unzip them first most likely, to let Notepad++ or somethingorother do a find in files feature to scan over them.

Game stores its loose assets in zips to lower disk read times.

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My laptop had a near heart attack doing that search, and then the whole thing crashed.  It was searching almost 3k files, but I think I found it.

self.inst:ListenForEvent("oneat", OnEat)
inst:ListenForEvent("oneaten", OnEaten)

I'm still testing this, but I may be wrong.

Update 1:  The 'oneat' code seems to work, it activates when the player eats, but I'm having trouble getting any information about what the player ate..

local function EatTest(inst, data)
	print("Player Ate Something.")
	print("Inst: ", inst.name)
	print("Data: ", data.name)  --Reports 'nil'
	print("Food Value: ", data.components.edible:GetHunger())  --Causes an error.

Update 2:  I've managed to insert this code into the hound's AI, but it's the same issue as before, where I can't seem to get any information about the food being eaten.

Update 3:  Coded the dogs to gain a set amount of loyalty every time they eat food off the ground, but that's not ideal.

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1 hour ago, FurryEskimo said:

My laptop had a near heart attack doing that search, and then the whole thing crashed.  It was searching almost 3k files, but I think I found it.

self.inst:ListenForEvent("oneat", OnEat)

inst:ListenForEvent("oneaten", OnEaten)

I'm still testing this, but I may be wrong.

Update 1:  The 'oneat' code seems to work, it activates when the player eats, but I'm having trouble getting any information about what the player ate..

local function EatTest(inst, data)
	print("Player Ate Something.")
	print("Inst: ", inst.name)
	print("Data: ", data.name)  --Reports 'nil'
	print("Food Value: ", data.components.edible:GetHunger())  --Causes an error.

Update 2:  I've managed to insert this code into the hound's AI, but it's the same issue as before, where I can't seem to get any information about the food being eaten.

Update 3:  Coded the dogs to gain a set amount of loyalty every time they eat food off the ground, but that's not ideal.

In eater component: self.inst:PushEvent("oneat", { food = food, feeder = feeder })

So listen for that on the hounds, and the event data "data.food" for the food entity, and "data.feeder" if someone fed the thing.

data.food.prefab to determine food prefab type, etc.


In edible component: self.inst:PushEvent("oneaten", { eater = eater })

So for this the food itself will report what ate it.

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Wonderful, thank you.  I tried a few different methods of coding this but I got it in the end.

local HOUND_LOYALTY_PER_HUNGER = TUNING.TOTAL_DAY_TIME / 25  --A single dried meat will get you about a day of loyalty.

local function EatTestHound(inst, data)  --Test code.
	if inst.components.follower.leader ~= nil and inst.components.follower.leader:HasTag("player")then
	--	inst.SoundEmitter:PlaySound("dontstarve/common/makeFriend")
		playedfriendsfx = true
		inst.components.follower:AddLoyaltyTime(data.food.components.edible:GetHunger() * HOUND_LOYALTY_PER_HUNGER)  --Trained hounds become more loyal when stealing food off the ground.
inst:ListenForEvent("oneat", EatTestHound)

The 'makeFriend' sound was too obnoxious though, so I turned it off.  I've tried a few other sounds but I've had no luck so far, most sounds are too loud or strange to serve as a helpful indicator.  I may simply leave it silent.

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