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Interplanetary Launcher feedback & suggestions

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I want to write that I've been really liking the Interplanetary Launcher so far.

Its use cost seemed a little too expensive at first (250 radbolts to send 200kg of material), but after trying it on a couple worlds I've found that it's best used to send more important materials across planets. I've sent a bunch of algae, glass, plastic and clay to the Irridiated Forest planetoid to support a growing colony over there. And with my Radbolt collector placed next to 4 wheezeworts and up in the vacuum of space, I do generate enough radbolts to send a little under 100kg per cycle (counting the radbolt loss from delivery distance).

I wish it had buttons to manage its internal storage better, though. If you want to send irregular amounts of a resource you have to either adjust the launch threshold and hope you got it exactly right or add enough to get 200kg. I think it'd be good if there was a button to make it launch its contents as they are, and a button to empty its storage in case items are accidentally pumped in there. It'd be an especially nice feature for sending seeds and rarer resources like Resin, which I do plan on trying to automate the delivery of via Interplanetary Launcher.

Also, as far as I can tell, Radbolt delivery has to be manually controlled. There's no auto-signals to determine when Radbolts are needed, and there's no auto signals to tell the machine not to fire the payloads. Payload receival requires dupe labor and access to the planet's entire surface, too, which makes automatic transfer of resources between planetoids way more inconvenient.

My personal wishes for changes regarding the Interplanetary Launcher would be:
- Button/automation port to launch all remaining contents in launcher
- Empty Storage button
- Automation port to request radbolts
- A way to influence where payloads land? Maybe a new building or the existing Payload Opener can make payloads land directly in its opening when exposed to space to make automation more feasible.

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