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Weird things happen to my base when I leave.

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I don't know if this has been asked before, but since I can't find any discussions regarding this problem I'll assume I'm the first one to ask. Also, apologies for any grammatical/spelling errors.

For starters, I play in "Solo" mode (one player only), so I never deal with trolls or random players in my server. So far this has happened 3 times already in the same server:

* First time, I left my base to gather resources for like 4 minutes and when i came back to my base I found some of my items, which were locked up in chests, on the floor. Now I'm sure I didn't get looted since all my item counts were in order and I am sure it wasn't krampus since I never heard any hissing or never saw him spawn. I think this happened on day 18-20 (almost winter).

* Second time, same deal. I left to gather resources for a couple minutes and I came back to see most of my locked up items on the floor (out of 9 chests, 4 are left intact). If I recall, this happened on day 40 (spring, I think?).

* Third time, this is when things get a bit more wild. I'm on day 136, summer, and I left to gather resources for like 2 minutes. When I came back I find 1 out of 9 chests burned, and all my beehives (4 of them) burned too. No, it couldn't have been the summer heat since I always leave my flingomatics turned on before leaving (one for my main base and one for my garden). What makes things weirder is that only one chest was burned, even though I always set up my chests close to each other in the form of a 3 by 3 chest square. As for my beehives, they are completely surrounded by flowers (very flammable), how did the beehives burned down but not the rest of my garden? Or, how did 1 chest got burned but not the rest of my chests? Or better yet, why didn't my flingomatic turned off any spontaneous fires :?:

Anyway, thanks in advance to anyone that can answer this question. I don't play often and I never read any patch notes, so maybe there's just something that I'm not aware of.

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For the items on the ground part the only explanation I can think of is that you're based close to a meteor field, and meteors are reaching your base. When they hit chests/iceboxes, they throw out all the items inside.

The fire i don't know since you say it was covered by flingos, but what I think can happen is that you load only the beehive on a corner of your screen, while you're not close enough to load the flingo, the beehive started smoldering, and then by unloading the area again you prevented the fire from spreading. That is why most people turn off wildires, it's a really bad mechanic.

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As stated above, Meteor field for stuff thrown on ground. Happened outside your screen so you didn't catch it.

For second part, from my recollection if it serves me well, stuff can burn even with Flingos present and up-running: if something smoldered but you went far from it right at moment smoldering started, game unloads Flingo and smoldering object(s) are instantly morphed into their burned state. Same if you enter Caves right the moment smoldering/flames started on objects - they are replaced upon reload of respective area with their burned counterparts.

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