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Boxing machine to know damage

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Right know if you wanna know how much damage have a weapon you need to go to wikia, read the lua files or spawn via commands the dummy doll.

You could know if a weapon deals high or low damage by counting the hits needed to kill them but doesnt tell you how much damage the deal so is hard to know if a hambat deals more damage or less than a darksword because both kills with 3 hits a regular hound (for example).

The doll is a solution but is only avaraible for computer players and seeing numbers pooping doesnt fit the game so i though that it could be added to the base game a boxing machine or something arround that idea (maybe a rustic version to fit the aesthetic of the game) that shows you how much damage you are doing like how veggie scales shows you the weight. It can include the option of being aggroed by mobs and show their damage without needing to be hitten by them as an extra use




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