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This is probably in wrong section, but I have a question:

My friend is currently hosting our DST game but our internet connection is crappy. Is it possible..somehow.. to play smoothly AND online? (for skins) I imagine it as we exchange data tru LAN and send info about whats happening in world through our weak internet only from her PC? I really have no idea how it works, so simple no is enough for answer.

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Afaik you can play locally/over LAN without issues, as long as you have internet access for your games to load/verify the skin ownership.

Just either connect to the server normally, and it should find the shortest distance, which would probably over your router, ignoring your internet, or you can connect using the console in the main menu using: c_connect("ip", port, "password"). The IP here is the local IP adress of your friend's PC/server.

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