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Printing pod mechanics with several asteroids?

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Ok, before, printing pod added new materials\eggs\creatures etc. upon discovering them. 

With several asteroids it is no longer works like that and if you discovered a slug on second asteroid it is not guaranteed to be available on printing pod.

Sometimes. And sometimes it is.

So how eactly does it work? You must have a dupe on second asteroid for original printing pod to be able to print items discovred on the second one?

Also, it add certain items after some some time but I don't know exact cycle.

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I`m not 100% sure about it but it seems to work diffenretly for critters and plants/resoures. In the base game you had an achievement for taming every critter type which was impossible without printing the missing ones as no start had all the critters iirc. Beacause of that you could always print critters without discovering them. They could get printable after a certain cycle at random. For resources it was different. You wouldn`t get aluminium if it didn`t spawn in your world and you couldn`t get plastic or steel before you made some yourself. This seems to work the same but now you can print some gold amalgam or aluminium ore after you discover it on a different planetoid.

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