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Add Geometric Placement as an official option

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Geometric Placement, like Quick Drop, isn't just a mod. It's a huge boon to all players looking to keep their worlds looking tidy. This mod is widely considered to be an essential for all players, both new and old, solely for the grid function. It keeps chests lined up and allows for perfect crock pot setups. It's basically a huge QoL thing like Quick Drop was. As the game evolves and grows, so too must we offer ways to improve upon it in as many ways as we can, not through op anime character mods, but with things that feel like they should have been in vanilla in the first place.

Adding this mod would also benefit the console players, who don't have the option to mod, and I can say with certainty that many would greatly appreciate the ability to snap structures onto a neat grid.

That is all, enjoy this suggestion for the 100th time.

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