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How could I change the values of Monster Lasagna?

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AddPrefabPostInit("prefab_name", fn)
--add code to a existing prefab 

AddPrefabPostInit("prefab_name", function(inst)

--can do it this way

local function Code (inst)


AddPrefabPostInit("prefab_name", Code)
AddPrefabPostInit("prefab_name_2", Code)
--or this way, it works better for multiple 

you can also replace the prefab as a whole but this kinda ruins any comparability to other mods 


AddPrefabPostInit("prefab_name",function (inst)
if not GLOBAL.TheWorld.ismastersim then
   return inst
--add this to change specific component stuff, i'm not sure but it has something to do with client and server stuff


AddPrefabPostInit("prefab_name",function (inst)
if not GLOBAL.TheWorld.ismastersim then
   return inst
--you can use these to change whichever stat you want using components, for this one specificly the hunger value

        --inst.components.edible.healthvalue = data.health
        inst.components.edible.hungervalue = 85 --has to be a number
        --inst.components.edible.sanityvalue = data.sanity or 0

prefab name is basically the name if the item as sometimes the name in code is different from the name of the item
you can easily find the code name on the don't starve wiki, bless their souls and whatnot.

IMPORTANT: this will be in your modmain

i'm not that good at explaining things but hopefully this works

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