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A Couple Questions Regarding Mods

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  1. For mods that only work upon world generation, how do you do this with a dedicated server? I've created my world, then I added all the mods to my already created world. A few of these mods require the world to be generated with these mods (mods that affect the world gen, for instance)
  2. Are my mods going to be overwritten every time I start the server? How does this work? Seems like a big oversight.
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1. Mods that affect world gen, which don't have any form of retrofitting into existing worlds require you to reset and regenerate the world.

2 Why would mods get overwritten every time you start the server? The only thing that happens is that the mods check for updates, and if none are available, nothing happens to the mods that are on the server.

What might be happening to you is that the startup script includes a line that checks for updates for the dedicated server itself, which includes a checksum check, which overwrites the dedicated_server_mods_setup.lua with an empty one. Uncommenting the line fixes this issue. (That requires you to manually update the server though, when an update get's dropped.)

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