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Ethanol with food poisoning

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Okay, so in my colony on the 2nd planetoid i had some issues with setting up the toilets initially hence some food poisoning germs were spilled in an unconventional way and managed flow into an ethanol pool and contaminate it... yeah right, so apparently food poisoning germs find alcohol quite livable?

Hmm, I mean okay, alcohol consumption can give you a "food poisoning", true... but I am fairly certain it's not caused by germs. Hmm, let me revise that statement, the ethanol itself might be caused by germs (yeast) but those aren't what makes you sick - if anything that's the least toxic part of the drink.

Anyhow with the current real world situation where alcohol is massively used as a disinfectant it might be better to change ethanol to work as an alternative to chlorine.


Oh, also in the 2nd planetoid i find it hard to create a sustainable food source as there are no types of water geysers. Considering nosh beams grow there and need ethanol it would be good if those allowed for something sustainable. Basically combine water + sucrose + food poisoning germs (we don't have the right ones) and you get ethanol! The water used in the process would be retained since its merely needed to dissolve the sugar so the yeast can work it. We have an ethanol distiller so this recipe should go in there (and makes way more sense then using lumber). Unlike lumber ethanol production via sucrose produces no polluted dirt. Both recipes should require water but output the same amount of polluted water (possibly with germs? though, those aren't harmful). Finally i think that sugar needs to be a renewable resource... and have multiple alternative ways to produce it. It feels odd that sweetles are the only source and require sulfur - while in reality nearly about every plant produces it in some way. 


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Looks like they didn`t add disinfecting properties to the newer materials like brine or ethanol. Seems like an oversight. Would be interesting to use them as an alternative way of disinfecting stuff.

As for sustainability for the second asteroid we probably need to rely on the warp pipes to get water from the first one. But the idea to make ethanol out of sucrose is pretty good. Maybe it could work as an alternative to wood.

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