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Plug Slug critter morph: Sulfur Snail

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Had a shower thought for early/late sulfur source. what if plug slugs had a critter morph that could produce sulfur(with some effort). not sure what they'd have to eat or what conditions they would have to be exposed to for the morph to happen. grub fruit/grub fruit preserve(not the spindly kind) could be an option

the snails would

1: live longer

2:unable to drown

3: move across all surfaces like plug slugs

4:no longer excrete hydrogen

5: when domesticated and in polluted water their shell will grow. can be sheared by the shearing station to produce sulfur

6: when they die they leave behind their shell(like pokeshells) which can be crushed in the rock crusher fo 50KG of sand and sulfur(allows "wild" ranching)


They can only be found in the wild via a special set piece(or the base 2% egg morph chance)

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It`s a cool idea but the whole mechanic sounds more like it would rather fit a pokeshell morph. Their molts would be cushed to sulfur and it would fit more for them to live in polluted water. Maybe the liquid would affect egg chances, salt water for the base morph polluted for the sulfur one and fresh water for a new one that produces something else.

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