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Please change the way oxygen mask station works

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I can name two annoying things about it.

*It eats ore, the masks don't need manufacturing, so you end up having your ore eaten by duplicant breathing.

*It has no gas port, meaning it will pull a vacuum for you. You can automate this, but it is annoying.

And please add some way to renew ore asap because so many things require it and you can't use the oxygen mask station or feed plug slugs without some way to get more!

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Even if we made masks free, they would still be sub-optimal as long as exosuits are an option. There is no need to keep them expensive. Exosuits provide more oxygen, it is easier to provide it to them, and most important - they protect from temperatures. Masks can never compete with that, you will always get rid of them once you reach the suits tech. 

I love the masks idea, but I fully agree - we should be able to reuse the masks. Without it the station is asking for troubles and it is better to be avoided at all... And I don't like that, because it is nice early game concept and in general it feels bad to pay for DLC only to not use its content...

About the pipe input and vacum creation - I think the eraly tech should be as much bare-bone as possible, and the lack of gas input fits the station really well. I don't see the reason to change it and make the station just like atmosuit docks. Let it be different. But it might have some min. pressure requirement to suck the oxygen

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