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Tuning the Diagnostics panel

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First off, I love this feature in general. I really appreciate the trapped dupe warning, and I like getting notified when dupes go idle in another colony.

The problem I have with it is that my starter colony constantly has a yellow dot next to it, so I never actually notice when the idle notification shows up.

That's because I have a couple hydroponic farm tiles set up to soak up excess water from my bathroom loop. These plants are intentionally not always getting watered, but they still trigger the "crops" diagnostic. At the same time, I don't want to turn off that diagnostic, because I want to know if I have a temperature problem in my farms.

I've also had the Low Battery diagnostic trigger from batteries discovered in ruins, which has a similar effect.

Could we have a "Disable Diagnostics" button on buildings, similar to Disable Autorepair and Disable Disinfect, that would exclude the building from diagnostic calculations?

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In the late game, sometimes I'm fine with some of my Duplicants being idle.  It's really annoying to be constantly "told" that it's an issue (via alert + noise) when I'd rather ignore it for a time.  This'll matter a lot more with the DLC's multiple bases, as it's hard to micromanage lots of bases at once.

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