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Storage Boxes Stockpile function

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It would be nice if we could assign the storage box as a stockpile, in the same area we checkbox for sweep only. I am not sure atm, if dupes can remove goods from boxes that are marked sweep only. But it would be nice if we could assign specific storage boxes the status of Stockpile, and the materials inside become unusable(unseeable). Being able to designate individual boxes gives players more options in colony management.

I'd like to be able to keep dupes from using that store box I just filled with 50c granite to build cots with, for example. It would facilitate the distribution of resources about the colony.

Smart store boxes would be ones you could assign temp thresholds to. A Resource Station, linked by auto, won't let dupes extract incorrect materials. Only the appropriate materials, from the appropriate location. Furthermore it would be nice to be able to assign temp thresholds to things we are building. As in, do not use materials with temps higher or lower than these sliders.

A tool like this allows for multi-colony management functions. If these controls can be assigned at a colony wide level, all the better. If applicable across planetoids, and player owned territory then we begin to bring all of the disparate places, in some sort of unified assemblage.

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