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Add an option, preferably with some achievement(s), to play without the printing pod and with set amount of dupes

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It is possible to disable the printing pod. But could we get the option to either not have the printing pod at all, or to have it unrepairably broken?

This could, hopefully, come with some kind of achievment hunt. One easy idea would be: get everyone off the asteroid. So, if you play without the pod, and manage to send everyone to the temporal tear (or whatever the world will look like post-DLC), you would get the achievement.

You could also let the player choose how many dupes they want to have at the start. Being able to modify this would be particularly interesting/useful if there wasn't a (funtioning) pod. Primarily I'm interested in the option of starting with fewer than 3. Those of us who play mini-dupe runs (e.g. one dupe worlds) don't all like having to start the game by having to kill off (mostly) harmless dupes. (Goodbye Mi-Ma and Abe - you will be missed.)

(Edited: spelling.)


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Yes easily, Just start game and deconstruct 1 of 4 tiles under the Printer.
Klei could add an achievement that that checks if player disables Printer during cycle 1 and then give an achievement for reaching cycle 100?
Call the Achievement: "I dont care package" make it a secret achievement and boom, instant fun!

But for your 1 dupe game, you may need a modder to make a special mode like that.

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