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Allow multiple or at least 2 players to access stuff like chests and iceboxes at the same time

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this is something that has bugged me whenever I play multiplayer in dst is that only one person can use a chest or icebox at a given moment and it's very damn annoying... it would be the biggest QoL improvement all of dst and the ds franchise would see in its entire lifespan if this problem was fixed and multiple people can access them at once.

especially on boats which have limited space with multiple people this happens a lot more frequently and when someone or two people are starving and somebody else has the icebox all to themselves it becomes VERY annoying not to mention some people even troll by blocking you from accessing containers sometimes...


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exactly. So it would no longer be a problem when people cook up 6 gosh darn honey hams, AND eat them all, AND cook up 6 again, after which eating them all AGAIN, while having the fridge open, and I cannot access it as a result. that may have been exaggerated, but the point is, I would love if they removed that, or improved it.

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