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I was thinking, what if cots and comfy beds had a slider bar that limited how far the assigned duplicant would travel/venture from their assigned bed. Graphically this would be similar to how our Triage Cots have a slider to identify when a duplicant is eligible to be assigned to it. The default would be infinity, but scalable so that a duplicant does not travel across the map to complete errands. This would help in dealing with "Long Commutes", localize errands, and limit how far duplicants with low athletics would travel.

Of course players can currently build doors and set up complicated restrictions, but figuring out where to define zones and then managing each zone by setting permissions on several doors is a bit of a pain. It would be much simpler to tell our duplicants, "don't go more than 50 tiles away from your bed". Of course if food is not reachable or they cannot reach the bathroom, then there would be issues - but those issues would exist with door permissions as well.


And just like how we can set doors to not let a duplicant out of a small room, tell them to move there, and let them starve. One could simply set their bed distance to 1 and they would move off of there bed tile and eventually starve.

I would leave it up to Klei to determine if it would be easier to implement as absolute tiles, or to implement as pathing distance.

Good idea? Bad idea? Let me know what you think! Thanks! :encouragement:

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Not sure about this for beds, but I sure would love to see it implemented for storage compactors.  I am so sick of my dups putting scalding hot stuff in my base.    Trying to manage where stuff goes with priorities is ridiculous.  

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