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Rushing meat+eggs on hot planets

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Okay I officially have restart-itis. After about 100 cycles I get bored and take a break, then it's more interesting to start a new colony than continue the old one. (cannot wait for DLC btw - this is just me killing time before that drops I guess)

So this time instead of brute forcing my way into a farm, here's what I've got. I'm on aridio. Pips are for eggs - hatches are for meat (hatches take a long time to get started!)

What's interesting about this is that the arbor trees help to moderate temperature in my base, and I don't have to worry about building a cooling system quite so early. Just don't pick up any new dupes until you've got a sustainable food supply.


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Arbor trees are quite funny that way. In theory you can even get domestic ones, dump your heat into some polluted water, and feed them, and about 40 would beat a steam turbine (and power, with 20 ethanol distillers, 5 petroleum generators running continuously, losing a bit over 1/8th of the base-cooling potential). The problem of course is getting that much polluted water (any polluted water vent should do).
This is of course terrible on dupe labor, especially if for some reason you decide you want as much dirt as it can make (67 compost piles running at all times...)

Do you plan on switching to shove voles eventually? They don't ever get cramped, so you can jam a lot of them together for starvation ranching and get tons of meat.

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