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Ruin buildings deconstruction

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I suggest giving players the ability to deconstruct all Gravitas ruin buildings.

It's pretty annoying to be unable to deconstruct randomly placed light fixtures, lockers and doors on your map without using debug mode. It makes even less sense since you can deconstruct tiles and thermo-nullifiers, but a broken light fixture is somehow immune. While I do understand that lockers and computers have the option to be inspected for lore pieces, that's far from being an integral part of gameplay. Once you have all lore entries, you're left with immovable junk objects, which is pretty annoying. Which bright dupe's idea was it to make a locker out of neutronium anyway?

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On 7/28/2020 at 4:41 AM, pether said:

There is a mod for that, you are not the only one who hates this:


I agree, this should be implemented in vanilla game as soon as possible, but until then you can use the mod. I'd prefer to reduce number of mods in my game to minimum (like 0), but this one is must have...

Thank you, I'll be using that!

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