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Reduce the texture in Hamlet


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Well I love Hamlet dlc it bring alot of new stuff and I am really excited to try it but the problem is my laptop doesn't work so well in the game there is a drop frames and even when I enable the netbook and small texture mode and I don't know what to do I want a mod that reduce the textures in don't starve to play it more smoothly.

Any help?

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You'll get lag in Hamlet even on a good computer. The only real suggestion I have is to set purely decorative things in the world gen settings to none, such as the jungle ferns and hanging vines and to set the large clumps of grass to less. I believe there's also a setting somewhere to disable the forest canopy effect. It helps, but Hamlet unfortunately is just not very optimized.

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Yeah, you'll definitely want to disable the jungle canopy and vines, it's under the "Hamlet" page of the settings menu

Another thing that most people don't really talk about but could possibly help you is this, under "Performance."
It's disabled by default, but it has options for "some" and "all," I'd recommend trying both (restarting the game is necessary to take it into effect) and seeing if it helps at all. What this does, to my understanding, is that rather than the game loading all of the necessary assets for each world when you start playing a world, instead loads assets only as they're nearby and thus necessary. This can greatly help performance when you're in an environment where you'll only be seeing a few different things at any moment.

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