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[BUG REPORT] Multiple Mods, Can't Load World

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All of my mods are compatible but today I decided to add more. More being Tropical Experience(return of them), a few item mods, a farming mod, new HUD, etc. When I start a new world, it forever loads into the game, the server launches according to the main menu and when I join the server it crashes. I looked at the log and I noticed I get the error "raknet detected a missing replica" which I have no idea what it means. I'll attach my client_log.txt below, it's pretty long but bare with me as me and my friends have almost nothing to do together during this quarantine. If more info is needed, just ask; any help would be appreciated. Thanks :)  



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Hoo boy.  I realise this is NOT what you want to hear right now but...this doesn't sound good.  That is EXACTLY how I lost _my_ very favourite/longest-running world.  I logged off one day about halfway through Day 613, 

--BIG CHANGES HAPPENED TO THE GAME CODE HERE due to the Forge stuff being implemented--

...and then when I tried to log back in, I found out I couldn't.  Reason?  Mod incompatibility.  I sent my own client_log in at these very forums; it's still in my "insert other media" files even now (because you can't delete any of those) and a very nice dev TRIED all over the place, but then finally told me the world was unrecoverable.

Playing together during the quarantine is a great idea but...you might have to start a new world.  And this time, leave out _any_ of the newly-added mods that you think might have caused the problem.


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Isn't the "raknet detected a missing replica" something relationed to things put before the "TheWorld.ismastersim" ? like some prefab component or other stuff... correct me if I'm wrong.

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understandable, I found out it is the Tropical Experience mod and apparently it is not currently compatible with the Return of Them update yet. It's probably a problem with the world shards

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