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Westin character concept

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the veteran

”it’s been to long since I’ve been in battle”


- knows his weapons

he has his own crafting tab which will be known as the trapper tab

the tab contents consist of

bear trap

used to catch bigger pray


a weapon for long rang attacking

crossbow bolts

used as ammunition against enemy’s, you can get the bolts back after killing a creature however they have a durability 


use for recovering sanity

smoke bomb

use for confusing the enemy and blaring out their vision

- remembers his training

he is able to swim but for a certain extent 

he can pack a heavier punch with just his fists

Can hear an enemy before they arrive

- can’t stand graveyards

if westin is in a graveyard he will lose sanity and will loose more sanity if he digs up a grave


that was my westin concept, anyone want to give me any feedback :)



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Seems like a really good character, and his only disadvantage is that he can't stand graveyards which is not really a problem because there aren't too many of them. You could try to add him some interesting disadvantages, every character needs some.

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