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Paper, books and libraries

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So I had this idea the other day when I was reading a book so I thought I will share it:

Include books to the game so dups can read them in their free time

But how, where, and why? 

New item: Book

Books are manufactured from reed fiber. By default, each book is empty, but dups can write their content as a working task. There can be all sorts of books - fantasy adventures, technical manuals, cooking receipies, starmaps etc. Reading can provide morale bonus and, in addition, reading can permanently increase skills - for example, reading farming guide can improve dup's ability to farm plants.

New building: Scribe's Desk (station)

You know that medieval desks where monks sit all day writting books? This one look exactly the same! Here books can be manufactured with Reed Fiber and then be populated with smart words. Dups must posses the skill to write the book increasing one. In addition, artists can write books about nothing, some kind of SF, that instead of increasing skills improves morale. To write the book, scribe must have access to light.

New building: Book Shelf (furniture)

Works like piedestal, but for books only. One shelf can store only one book. Here dups will search for the books they want to read ignoring the ones lying on the ground. This building is 1 tile wide and 3 high, and for some reason the book is stored on the highest shelf, so when dups want to read the book, they must climb a little.

New building: Reading Desk (furniture)

Here dups come with the book they found on the shelf. To read the book dups require light and quiet atmosphere. Once somebody walks by, the whole progress of reading is lost and the dup must start over. When dup finishes reading, one of his skill increases by 1 up to some limit defined by the book (you can't learn everything at once, and you can't learn more than the book has to offer)

New room: Library 

If the room has at least 2 book shelfs, 2 reading desks, 1 decor item and no machinery, it becomes the library. When dup is reading in the library he is not interrupted by other walking by as long as they walk to grab the book from the shelf or go read it (so as long as everyone behaves as they are in the library they do not interrupt the others who want to read). Dups walking in the library with other task in mind will still interrupt reading. Min size: 12, Max size: 96


In general the idea is to add new way to teach your duplicants new things, but to do this you must ensure they have some privacy. This should encourage you to focus on your room layout and placement

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I know the devs have plenty ideas to implement and just now we got great new pack so yeah, pretty sure they will not include this anytime soon... But maybe someone will love this idea so much he will mod it :)

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