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Camera at the edges of the map

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Would like the camera to be able to scroll a bit over the map edge on the left and right sides, currently, where it blocks you from going over, the UI elements will obstruct the view near the edges, and when dragging at the edge, and zooming out, the "camera will autocorrect" your position, which disrupts placement.

If the camera was allowed to go over the edge of the map, you can build along the edges without having the build menu or the mapmode description obstructing you.

Was thinking of writing the amount that would be needed, but it could vary based on UI scale, so maybe a setting for it could make more sense, so people can set it themselves. Though using screenshot mode, it seems like allowing 1/3 of the screen to go over the map edge would prevent the weird zoom displacement.

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i was just about to open a thread for this, this change would be so much QOL, as of now i have to select the block then press Alt+s and then place it and if i want to delete a tile i have to press esc deconstruct it and the press Alt+s again wich is annoying.


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