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How about new traits?


Dow bellow gravitas (gravitas base bellow the Pod)

Slick Pod (Pod with part of the oil biome)

Waterland (Pod surrounded by water (can be polluted or full of germs))

Germ boulder (blocks of rock full of germs(can be any kind and mixed))


Other suggestions free...

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Good idea for a topic to discuss.

hmm what about

* Gravitas buildings are missing

* aggressive critters during day time

* misplaced gas pockets / random pockets of gas with random element and random amount.

* clustered / big biomes - instead of several biomes of each type, there are huge biomes of each sort (if a nomral map has 4-5 biomes of swamp in several places, in a world with this trait there would be one swamp biome in the size of 4-5 regular ones)

* paired gysters/vents.

as for dupes:

* vegeterian - can not eat meat / fish

* gloomy - moral debuff

* cold prone - has lower insulation.

* ugly / pretty - decor bonus/debuff in the dupes surrounding

* unorganized - has random Schedule, or one hour in a cycle gets a random work/sleep/bath/recreation.


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9 hours ago, karyuendan08 said:

Germ boulder (blocks of rock full of germs(can be any kind and mixed))

Germs die off on rocks so it would be temporary. Unless it`s zombie spores. Maybe zombie infected fossils. Those could cause infections in the rock crusher and smelter.

I think the pod shouldn`t have too crazy stuff around it. Early game you lack tools to deal with those. Especially hot oil. But i like the idea of the Gravitas base being close. Maybe make it partially crushed so that you can find stuff like metallic copper, ceramic or even small amounts of plastic all as minable tiles.

I`d like a swiss cheese trait. Randomly placed "holes" of the space biome under the surface with regolith and shove voles.

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