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[TOOL, PYTHON] ONI Mod Crash Solver

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This is a quickie Python script when given the path to ONI's mods.json file will help pin-point which mod is causing ONI to crash through disabling half the mods and prompting if the game runs to whittle down the list to a single mod. Not my most clean bit of code but it's been a while since I've written any proper code.

If it runs, it'll note down which mods are OK and test the next half. If it crashes, it flips the enabled status of the mods, assumes the next half is OK, and tests the other half. Eventually it should stop and print a message specifying which mod is causing ONI to crash.

It's not entirely full proof (mod-mod conflict) but for many cases will quickly get someone back up and running without doing the painfully slow and manual method.

EDIT: It'd probably help to link the GitHub, https://github.com/WhiteHusky/oni-mod-crash-solver

Also I don't have Windows or OSX instructions at the moment Located paths and added a feature to the script to detect these automatically. Anyone's free to commit changes to the readme.md to help change that along with the script itself.

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