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[SOLVED] Damage multipliers don't work in Shipwrecked/Hamlet?


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My character mod has a perk where they do more/less damage depending on the time of day. This perk works in the base game, RoG and DST - but when I use this character in Shipwrecked, the damage perks don't apply?

Are there any workarounds for this problem?


Edit: I found a fix, here's what I did:

    if  IsDLCEnabled(CAPY_DLC) or IsDLCEnabled(PORKLAND_DLC) then
        inst.components.combat:AddDamageModifier("wakes", -0.25)
        inst.components.combat.damagemultiplier = 0.75

Side note, does anyone actually know why this bug exists in the first place?

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