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Mountable critters

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I think i`m not the first to suggest dupes riding critters but i think it might be a cool mechanic for some eventual dlc. For it to make sense the critter would have to be able to climb ladders. For now i`d call it the spiderhorse for a lack of a better name. The critter would allow for much faster movement and more stuff carried at a time.

How would it work? A critter found wildly in some sort of grass/savanna biome and eat plants present in it, but also able to eat lettuce and balm lilly flowers. When tamed the criter could be put in a building where it would get saddled and mounted by a dupe (can only happen when the critter is happy). Each one would have to be assigned to a particular dupe. He will mount the critter whenever it`s available. A dupe riding the spiderhorse would be 3 tiles high (to help control paths) but the critter tiself would be only 2 high. During downtime the dupe would have to put the critter back in the ranch first before doing downtime activities but normal jobs could be preformed from it (just leaving it next to the machine a dupe is using).

Depending on the diet there would be different morphs available. lettuce would cause it to become a seahorse that can swim through water (above or vertical) and balm lilly would change it to a pegasus. The pegasus could then eat gas grass for the ultimate space horse mount an alternative to jet suits.

Another thing possible would be putting the critter into the maunal generator for some power. Could be but there only by the rancher and leave once it gets bored. After each "use" the critter would get a debuff not allowing it to be mounted for for a short while (during the night so the night shift coundln`t use the same mount). Next cyckle it should be ready if it was groomed and fed.


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