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[SOLVED] Custom Usable Items

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I was trying to tackle this myself thinking some of the ideas wouldn't be too bad but I ended up not being able to wrap my head around it. Trying to find item codes that were similar didn't help me out much, either.

I wanted to make a set of usable cards (similar to Wickerbottom's books). I was trying to reference Wickerbottom's books but wasn't sure where to go with it. The recipes are done and placed in my character's modmain file. I made a custom crafting tab as well but haven't been able to test it yet.

There are four cards I wanted to make:

1. Grants a 50% damage boost for 15s at the cost of 10 Sanity. 3 uses.

2. Grants a 50% defense boost for 20s at the cost of 10 Sanity. 3 uses.

3. Restores 40 Sanity. 3 uses.

4. Restores 50 HP OR revives a Player at the cost of 10 Sanity. 1 use.

I was trying to use both the Life Giving Amulet and the Tell Tale Heart as reference for the 4th card but I didn't see anything I could use in either prefab file.

If possible I want to use the same animation as when Wickerbottom uses her books.

I'd received a lot of help with coding here on the forums for previous endeavors and was hoping I could at least tackle doing items on my own but I soon realized I bit off more than I could chew. I know it's kind of dumb for me to try making things beyond my capability but I thought it'd be really cool to bring my character to life in this game. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Edited by suteneko
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@Serpens Getting the final code would save me a lot of trouble for sure, but I'm also fine with hints to try and do it myself. Whatever you experienced coders are most comfortable with. I'd just like to be finished with having to mess with any code after this (it's the last thing I need).

Edited by suteneko
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restore sanity health I think you can simply use the "DoDelta" functions from the sanity/health component.

Can you make your current card code available? So I see what base you already have and what is missing. Eg. do you already have some kind of "OnUse" funciton, where we can simply put the DoDelta stuff, or is there no such function yet?

For attackboost you can use the externaldamagemultiplier from combat component. Not sure if there already is a similiar thing for defense, but I think it is. Will look into it tomorrow.

How would you like the reviving work? Revive on haunt?

Edited by Serpens
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I don't have any real lua experience. Just kind of get the gist of things when I see them. Only thing was that I didn't find anything I was expecting I'd find when I was looking through different item prefabs in reference. So I don't really have anything except the bare bones for the test file.

For the card that heals OR revives, I want it to revive when "given" to a ghost player, similarly to the Tell Tale Heart. Not sure if it can utilize the "reading" animation with this, though (or if I can use the "reading" animation for any of the cards).


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hm, okay... Writing the whole code (from scratch) + testing might take me ~3-5 hours and I dont have the time to do so currently...

At first you should decide if you simply want to use the book and reader component that already exist -> then the most code is already there and it is eaiser. Downside will be that mawell and wickerbottom (so everyone who is a reader) can also use the cards and the ones who arent can not use them. Are you fine with that? If so, you can really copy paste the books.lua within prefabs folder and put it into your mods prefabs folder and rename it to "cards". You can use 95% of the current code in it, simply rename some things to your custom cards and your anims and so on.

Do this first and then send me the result here.

Edited by Serpens
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Yeah, it's fine if others are able to use the cards. Having only my character capable of using was my initial idea but I realized it wouldn't work out quite right since they're supposed to buff other characters, too, so I decided otherwise. Idea behind it now is that my character imbues the cards with magic so all the other characters have to do is use them to gain the effect.

I've taken books.lua and edited the information inside (took out or uncommented some stuff and renamed for my use).


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10 hours ago, suteneko said:

Yeah, it's fine if others are able to use the cards. Having only my character capable of using was my initial idea but I realized it wouldn't work out quite right since they're supposed to buff other characters, too, so I decided otherwise. Idea behind it now is that my character imbues the cards with magic so all the other characters have to do is use them to gain the effect.

I've taken books.lua and edited the information inside (took out or uncommented some stuff and renamed for my use).


yes, everything correct in that file :)
when using the existing reader component, only wickerbottom and maxwell can also use your cards, other characters can not.
But the cards could also affect players nearby if you want.

Only the reader should get 40 sanity/50 health?
And the attack/defense boost also only for the reader?

A problem about revive is, that the telltale heart (reviver) is hardcoded into the actions. So to add your item to it, quite complicated code to change the actions is needed. So maybe you are also fine with an easier solution, like ressurection on haunt (when card is laying on the ground)?

Edited by Serpens
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1 hour ago, Serpens said:

yes, everything correct in that file :)
when using the existing reader component, only wickerbottom and maxwell can also use your cards, other characters can not.
But the cards could also affect players nearby if you want.

Only the reader should get 40 sanity/50 health?
And the attack/defense boost also only for the reader?

A problem about revive is, that the telltale heart (reviver) is hardcoded into the actions. So to add your item to it, quite complicated code to change the actions is needed. So maybe you are also fine with an easier solution, like ressurection on haunt (when card is laying on the ground)?

I added the "reader" tag to my other character (they're a pair) for starters. But since you mentioned that it can be an area of effect type thing... That actually sounds pretty good (though also kind of overpowered). I'd definitely like to try it out both ways.

That explains why I couldn't find anything regarding reviving in the prefab file for the Tell Tale Heart. If that's the case then the resurrect on haunt will be fine. I was actually thinking about that earlier today.

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local assets =
    Asset("ANIM", "anim/arcana_balance.zip"),

local prefabs = {}

local EFFECTRADIUS = 10 -- the radius within the cards should affect other players

local arcana_defs =
        --[THE BALANCE] 50% Damage Boost for 15s
		name = "arcana_balance",
        uses = 3,
        fn = function(inst, reader)
            local pt = reader:GetPosition()

            reader.components.sanity:DoDelta(-10) -- -10 sanity for the reader
            -- effect for the reader
            reader.components.combat.externaldamagemultipliers:SetModifier("arcana_mod",1.5) -- multiply damage with 1.5. does not stack up if used several times in row (should it?)
            reader:DoTaskInTime(15,function(inst) -- in 15 seconds
                reader.components.combat.externaldamagemultipliers:RemoveModifier("arcana_mod") -- remove the modifier again
            -- now also affect other players (remove the code if you dont want it)
            local players = TheSim:FindEntities(pt.x, pt.y, pt.z, EFFECTRADIUS, { "player" }, { "playerghost", "FX", "DECOR", "INLIMBO" }) -- find nearby players
            for _,player in ipairs(players) do
                if player~=reader then -- the reader already got his buff
                    player.components.combat.externaldamagemultipliers:SetModifier("arcana_mod",1.5) -- multiply damage with 1.5. does not stack up if used several times in row (should it?)
                    player:DoTaskInTime(15,function(inst) -- in 15 seconds
                        player.components.combat.externaldamagemultipliers:RemoveModifier("arcana_mod") -- remove the modifier again
            return true

        --[THE BOLE] 50% Defense Boost for 20s
		name = "arcana_bole",
        uses = 3,
        fn = function(inst, reader)
            local pt = reader:GetPosition()

            reader.components.sanity:DoDelta(-10) -- -10 sanity for the reader
            -- effect for the reader
            reader.components.combat.externaldamagetakenmultipliers:SetModifier("arcana_mod",0.5) -- multiply damage-taken with 0.5. does not stack up if used several times in row (should it?)
            reader:DoTaskInTime(15,function(inst) -- in 15 seconds
                reader.components.combat.externaldamagetakenmultipliers:RemoveModifier("arcana_mod") -- remove the modifier again
            -- now also affect other players (remove the code if you dont want it)
            local players = TheSim:FindEntities(pt.x, pt.y, pt.z, EFFECTRADIUS, { "player" }, { "playerghost", "FX", "DECOR", "INLIMBO" }) -- find nearby players
            for _,player in ipairs(players) do
                if player~=reader then -- the reader already got his buff
                    player.components.combat.externaldamagetakenmultipliers:SetModifier("arcana_mod",0.5) -- multiply damage-taken with 0.5. does not stack up if used several times in row (should it?)
                    player:DoTaskInTime(15,function(inst) -- in 15 seconds
                        player.components.combat.externaldamagetakenmultipliers:RemoveModifier("arcana_mod") -- remove the modifier again

            return true

        --[THE EWER] Restore 40 Sanity
		name = "arcana_ewer",
        uses = 3,
        fn = function(inst, reader)
            local pt = reader:GetPosition()
            -- effect for the reader
            reader.components.sanity:DoDelta(40) -- reader gets 40 sanity
            -- now also affect other players (remove the code if you dont want it)
            local players = TheSim:FindEntities(pt.x, pt.y, pt.z, EFFECTRADIUS, { "player" }, { "playerghost", "FX", "DECOR", "INLIMBO" }) -- find nearby players
            for _,player in ipairs(players) do
                if player~=reader then -- the reader already got his buff
                    player.components.sanity:DoDelta(40) -- player gets 40 sanity

            return true

        --[LADY OF CROWNS] Restore 50 HP or Revive Player
		name = "arcana_crown",
        uses = 1,
        fn = function(inst, reader)
            reader.components.sanity:DoDelta(-10) -- -10 sanity for the reader

            -- effect for the reader
            reader.components.health:DoDelta(50) -- reader gets 50 health
            -- now also affect other players (remove the code if you dont want it)
            local players = TheSim:FindEntities(pt.x, pt.y, pt.z, EFFECTRADIUS, { "player" }, { "playerghost", "FX", "DECOR", "INLIMBO" }) -- find nearby players
            for _,player in ipairs(players) do
                if player~=reader then -- the reader already got his buff
                    player.components.health:DoDelta(50) -- player gets 50 health

            return true

-- changed name from MakeBook
local function MakeArcana(def)
    local function fn()
        local inst = CreateEntity()




        MakeInventoryFloatable(inst, "med", nil, 0.75)


        if not TheWorld.ismastersim then
            return inst
        if def.name=="arcana_crown" then
            inst.components.hauntable:SetHauntValue(TUNING.HAUNT_INSTANT_REZ) -- haunting it will ressurrect
            inst.components.hauntable:SetOnHauntFn(function(inst,haunter) -- when haunted
                ErodeAway(inst) -- remove arcana_crown with a small effect

        inst.components.book.onread = def.fn

        inst.components.inventoryitem.imagename = "arcana_balance"
        inst.components.inventoryitem.atlasname = "images/inventoryimages/arcana_balance.xml"


        inst.components.fuel.fuelvalue = TUNING.SMALL_FUEL

        MakeSmallBurnable(inst, TUNING.TINY_BURNTIME)


        return inst

    return Prefab(def.name, fn, assets, prefabs)

-- changed from books to arcana
local arcana = {}
for i, v in ipairs(arcana_defs) do
    table.insert(arcana, MakeArcana(v))
arcana_defs = nil
return unpack(arcana)


Add to your character
in master_postinit . and
in common_postinit.

This also means your character can read wickerbottoms books.

Test the script and see if it already works this way. I'm not sure if and what animation will play. It should be the read animation, but not sure if it will display a book or your card. Guess it will be a book.
If you want your custom animation, you have to design it, but I have zero knowledge about it. After you have them, you have to change the "book" stategraph to play your custom animation instead, if one of your cards is used. So quite complicated, but possible.


Edited by Serpens
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@Serpens Thank you, thank you! I think it looks perfect!

I was going to test it out but I ran into an error and I'm assuming I messed something up with the recipe tab/recipe coding. I have a standalone item recipe that had no problems but after uncommenting the recipe codes for the arcana cards I keep crashing. EDIT: I really have no idea why it's crashing now. I was tinkering around with it making small alterations and fixing anything that wasn't right (like a misplaced comma or bracket) until it stopped telling me what area in which file (modmain or arcana) was the problem and started straight up crashing.

Not sure if I should just post this in a different thread or just toss it in here in hopes that I can get help with this matter but I'll put it under a spoiler just in case.



[00:00:06]: loaded modindex	
[00:00:06]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, 	Noctium the Temptress of Fate	
[00:00:06]: ModIndex: Detected bad load, disabling all mods.	
[00:00:06]: Event data unavailable: lavaarena_event_server/lavaarena_achievement_quest_defs
[00:00:08]: PlayerDeaths loaded morgue	6289	
[00:00:08]: PlayerHistory loaded player_history (v2) len:1899	
[00:00:08]: ServerPreferences loaded server_preferences	2	
[00:00:08]: bloom_enabled	false	
[00:00:08]: loaded saveindex	
[00:00:08]: OnFilesLoaded()	
[00:00:08]: OnUpdatePurchaseStateComplete	
[00:00:08]: Klump load on boot started.	
[00:00:08]: Klump files loaded: 	0	
[00:00:10]: 	Load FE	
[00:00:10]: 	Load FE: done	
[00:00:10]: THREAD - started 'FilesExistAsyncThread' (18268)
[00:00:10]: OnLoadPermissionList: APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogether/73447028/client_save/blocklist.txt (Failure)
[00:00:10]: FilesExistAsyncThread started (12994 files)...
[00:00:10]: OnLoadPermissionList: APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogether/73447028/client_save/adminlist.txt (Failure)
[00:00:10]: OnLoadUserIdList: APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogether/73447028/client_save/whitelist.txt (Failure)
[00:00:10]: [MOTD] Downloading info from	https://motd.klei.com/?game=dst&platform=STEAM&locale=US&lang=english&user=76561198033712756	
[00:00:10]: SimLuaProxy::QueryServer()
[00:00:10]: ModIndex: Load sequence finished successfully.	
[00:00:10]: Reset() returning
[00:00:12]: [MOTD] Downloading image for box1
[00:00:12]: ... FilesExistAsyncThread complete
[00:00:14]: [MOTD] Done Loading.	
[00:00:14]: [Steam] Auth Session Ticket requested...
[00:00:15]: [Steam] Got Auth Session Ticket
[00:00:15]: [200] Account Communication Success (3)
[00:00:15]: Logging in as KU_xfUy23-8
[00:00:16]: There is no active event to get the status of.
[00:00:16]: loaded inventory_cache_prod
[00:00:16]: loaded inventory_cache_prod
[00:00:23]: DownloadPublishedFileV2()
[00:00:23]: Installed mod from cache workshop-827063232 v:0.0.7
[00:00:23]: DelDirectory [../mods/workshop-827063232] 2: FAILED
[00:00:23]: cWorkshopMod::UnzipMod ../mods/workshop-827063232
[00:00:23]: Already had this file in your cache, no need to download it again.
[00:00:23]: DownloadPublishedFileV2()
[00:00:23]: Installed mod from cache workshop-835602689 v:1.54
[00:00:23]: DelDirectory [../mods/workshop-835602689] 2: FAILED
[00:00:23]: cWorkshopMod::UnzipMod ../mods/workshop-835602689
[00:00:23]: Already had this file in your cache, no need to download it again.
[00:00:23]: DownloadPublishedFileV2()
[00:00:23]: Installed mod from cache workshop-1757943227 v:1.1.5
[00:00:23]: DelDirectory [../mods/workshop-1757943227] 2: FAILED
[00:00:23]: cWorkshopMod::UnzipMod ../mods/workshop-1757943227
[00:00:24]: Already had this file in your cache, no need to download it again.
[00:00:24]: DownloadPublishedFileV2()
[00:00:24]: Installed mod from cache workshop-1108032281 v:sample 1.5.12
[00:00:24]: DelDirectory [../mods/workshop-1108032281] 2: FAILED
[00:00:24]: cWorkshopMod::UnzipMod ../mods/workshop-1108032281
[00:00:24]: Already had this file in your cache, no need to download it again.
[00:00:24]: DownloadPublishedFileV2()
[00:00:24]: Installed mod from cache workshop-378160973 v:1.7.3
[00:00:24]: DelDirectory [../mods/workshop-378160973] 2: FAILED
[00:00:24]: cWorkshopMod::UnzipMod ../mods/workshop-378160973
[00:00:24]: Already had this file in your cache, no need to download it again.
[00:00:24]: DownloadPublishedFileV2()
[00:00:24]: Installed mod from cache workshop-490153236 v:0.0.8
[00:00:24]: DelDirectory [../mods/workshop-490153236] 2: FAILED
[00:00:24]: cWorkshopMod::UnzipMod ../mods/workshop-490153236
[00:00:24]: Already had this file in your cache, no need to download it again.
[00:00:24]: DownloadPublishedFileV2()
[00:00:24]: Installed mod from cache workshop-1881895644 v:
[00:00:24]: DelDirectory [../mods/workshop-1881895644] 2: FAILED
[00:00:24]: cWorkshopMod::UnzipMod ../mods/workshop-1881895644
[00:00:25]: Already had this file in your cache, no need to download it again.
[00:00:25]: DownloadPublishedFileV2()
[00:00:25]: Installed mod from cache workshop-1881895299 v:
[00:00:25]: DelDirectory [../mods/workshop-1881895299] 2: FAILED
[00:00:25]: cWorkshopMod::UnzipMod ../mods/workshop-1881895299
[00:00:25]: Already had this file in your cache, no need to download it again.
[00:00:25]: DownloadPublishedFileV2()
[00:00:25]: Installed mod from cache workshop-352373173 v:1.7.4
[00:00:25]: DelDirectory [../mods/workshop-352373173] 2: FAILED
[00:00:25]: cWorkshopMod::UnzipMod ../mods/workshop-352373173
[00:00:25]: Already had this file in your cache, no need to download it again.
[00:00:25]: DownloadPublishedFileV2()
[00:00:25]: Installed mod from cache workshop-1595934840 v:0.1.7
[00:00:25]: DelDirectory [../mods/workshop-1595934840] 2: FAILED
[00:00:25]: cWorkshopMod::UnzipMod ../mods/workshop-1595934840
[00:00:25]: Already had this file in your cache, no need to download it again.
[00:00:25]: DownloadPublishedFileV2()
[00:00:25]: Installed mod from cache workshop-543945797 v:0.7.0
[00:00:25]: DelDirectory [../mods/workshop-543945797] 2: FAILED
[00:00:25]: cWorkshopMod::UnzipMod ../mods/workshop-543945797
[00:00:25]: Already had this file in your cache, no need to download it again.
[00:00:25]: DownloadPublishedFileV2()
[00:00:25]: Installed mod from cache workshop-362175979 v:1.4.5
[00:00:25]: DelDirectory [../mods/workshop-362175979] 2: FAILED
[00:00:25]: cWorkshopMod::UnzipMod ../mods/workshop-362175979
[00:00:25]: Already had this file in your cache, no need to download it again.
[00:00:25]: DownloadPublishedFileV2()
[00:00:25]: Installed mod from cache workshop-524909986 v:1.0.5
[00:00:25]: DelDirectory [../mods/workshop-524909986] 2: FAILED
[00:00:25]: cWorkshopMod::UnzipMod ../mods/workshop-524909986
[00:00:25]: Already had this file in your cache, no need to download it again.
[00:00:25]: DownloadPublishedFileV2()
[00:00:25]: Installed mod from cache workshop-1494505371 v:1.2.2
[00:00:25]: DelDirectory [../mods/workshop-1494505371] 2: FAILED
[00:00:25]: cWorkshopMod::UnzipMod ../mods/workshop-1494505371
[00:00:25]: Already had this file in your cache, no need to download it again.
[00:00:33]: Getting top mod details...
[00:00:33]: Frontend-Unloading mod 'all'.	
[00:00:33]: FrontendLoadMod	Noctium the Temptress of Fate	
[00:00:33]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_Noctium the Temptress of Fate	
[00:00:33]: Fontend-Loading mod: Noctium the Temptress of Fate Version:	
[00:00:33]: Mod: Noctium the Temptress of Fate	Loading modworldgenmain.lua	
[00:00:33]: Mod: Noctium the Temptress of Fate	  Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.	
[00:00:33]: GOT top mod details...50
[00:00:50]: DelDirectory [APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogether/73447028/client_save/session/0E4926CD65007F2D] 2: FAILED
[00:00:50]: Failed to delete session APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogether/73447028/client_save/session/0E4926CD65007F2D
[00:00:50]: Frontend-Unloading mod 'all'.	
[00:00:54]: FrontendLoadMod	Noctium the Temptress of Fate	
[00:00:54]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_Noctium the Temptress of Fate	
[00:00:54]: Fontend-Loading mod: Noctium the Temptress of Fate Version:	
[00:00:54]: Mod: Noctium the Temptress of Fate	Loading modworldgenmain.lua	
[00:00:54]: Mod: Noctium the Temptress of Fate	  Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.	
[00:00:58]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_Noctium the Temptress of Fate	
[00:00:58]: Not applying level data overrides.	
[00:00:58]: Not applying world gen overrides.	
[00:00:58]: Network tick rate: U=15(2), D=0
[00:00:58]: ModWorkshop::CancelDownloads clearing all unfinished downloads
[00:00:58]: About to start a server with the following settings:
[00:00:58]:   Dedicated: false
[00:00:58]:   Online: true
[00:00:58]:   Passworded: false
[00:00:58]:   ServerPort: 10999
[00:00:58]:   SteamAuthPort: 8766
[00:00:58]:   SteamMasterServerPort: 27016
[00:00:58]:   ClanID: false
[00:00:58]:   ClanOnly: false
[00:00:58]:   ClanAdmin: false
[00:00:58]:   LanOnly: false
[00:00:58]:   FriendsOnly: true
[00:00:58]:   EnableAutosaver: true
[00:00:58]:   EncodeUserPath: true
[00:00:58]:   PVP: false
[00:00:58]:   MaxPlayers: 6
[00:00:58]:   GameMode: survival
[00:00:58]:   OverridenDNS: 
[00:00:58]:   PauseWhenEmpty: true
[00:00:58]:   IdleTimeout: 1800s
[00:00:58]:   VoteEnabled: false
[00:00:58]:   InternetBroadcasting: true
[00:00:58]:   Intent: cooperative
[00:00:58]: [Warning] Could not confirm port 10999 is open in the firewall. 
[00:00:58]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_Noctium the Temptress of Fate	
[00:00:59]: Online Server Started on port: 10999
[00:00:59]: Collecting garbage...
[00:00:59]: lua_gc took 0.03 seconds
[00:00:59]: ~ShardLuaProxy()
[00:00:59]: ~cEventLeaderboardProxy()
[00:00:59]: ~ItemServerLuaProxy()
[00:00:59]: ~InventoryLuaProxy()
[00:00:59]: ~NetworkLuaProxy()
[00:00:59]: ~SimLuaProxy()
[00:00:59]: Cancelling LuaQueryCallback handle [11]
[00:00:59]: ModWorkshop::CancelDownloads clearing all unfinished downloads
[00:00:59]: lua_close took 0.04 seconds
[00:00:59]: ReleaseAll
[00:00:59]: ReleaseAll Finished
[00:00:59]: cGame::StartPlaying
[00:00:59]: LOADING LUA
[00:00:59]: DoLuaFile scripts/main.lua
[00:00:59]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/main.lua
[00:00:59]:   taskgrouplist:	default	Together	
[00:00:59]:   taskgrouplist:	classic	Classic	
[00:00:59]:   taskgrouplist:	cave_default	Underground	
[00:00:59]:   taskgrouplist:	lavaarena_taskset	The Forge	
[00:00:59]:   taskgrouplist:	quagmire_taskset	The Gorge	
[00:00:59]: running main.lua
[00:00:59]: loaded modindex	
[00:00:59]: ModIndex: Beginning normal load sequence.
[00:00:59]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, 	Noctium the Temptress of Fate	
[00:00:59]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_Noctium the Temptress of Fate	
[00:00:59]: Loading mod: Noctium the Temptress of Fate Version:	
[00:00:59]: Mod: Noctium the Temptress of Fate	Loading modworldgenmain.lua	
[00:00:59]: Mod: Noctium the Temptress of Fate	  Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.	
[00:00:59]: Mod: Noctium the Temptress of Fate	Loading modmain.lua	
[00:00:59]: Event data unavailable: lavaarena_event_server/lavaarena_achievement_quest_defs
[00:01:00]: PlayerDeaths loaded morgue	6289	
[00:01:00]: PlayerHistory loaded player_history (v2) len:1899	
[00:01:00]: ServerPreferences loaded server_preferences	2	
[00:01:00]: bloom_enabled	false	
[00:01:00]: loaded saveindex	
[00:01:00]: OnFilesLoaded()	
[00:01:00]: OnUpdatePurchaseStateComplete	
[00:01:00]: Load Slot: ... generating new world	
[00:01:00]: WorldSim::SimThread::SimThread()
[00:01:00]: DoLuaFile scripts/stacktrace.lua
[00:01:00]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/stacktrace.lua
[00:01:00]: WorldSim::SimThread::SimThread() complete
[00:01:00]: THREAD - started 'WorldSim' (18500)
[00:01:00]: WorldSim::SimThread::Main()
[00:01:00]: DoLuaFile scripts/worldgen_main.lua
[00:01:00]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/worldgen_main.lua
[00:01:00]: ModIndex: Load sequence finished successfully.	
[00:01:00]: Reset() returning
[00:01:00]: DLC enabled : 	false	
[00:01:00]:   taskgrouplist:	default	Together	
[00:01:00]:   taskgrouplist:	classic	Classic	
[00:01:00]:   taskgrouplist:	cave_default	Underground	
[00:01:00]:   taskgrouplist:	lavaarena_taskset	The Forge	
[00:01:00]:   taskgrouplist:	quagmire_taskset	The Gorge	
[00:01:00]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting modname, 	Noctium the Temptress of Fate	
[00:01:00]: Loading mod: Noctium the Temptress of Fate Version:	
[00:01:00]: Mod: Noctium the Temptress of Fate	Loading modworldgenmain.lua	
[00:01:00]: Mod: Noctium the Temptress of Fate	  Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.	
[00:01:00]: running worldgen_main.lua
[00:01:00]: SEED = 	1570707515	
[00:01:00]: Generating world with these parameters:	
[00:01:00]: level_type	SURVIVAL	
[00:01:00]: level_data:	
[00:01:00]: 	K: 	1	 V: 	table: 35B2B1D0	
[00:01:00]: 		K: 	desc	 V: 	The standard Don't Starve experience.	
[00:01:00]: 		K: 	hideminimap	 V: 	false	
[00:01:00]: 		K: 	id	 V: 	SURVIVAL_TOGETHER	
[00:01:00]: 		K: 	location	 V: 	forest	
[00:01:00]: 		K: 	max_playlist_position	 V: 	999	
[00:01:00]: 		K: 	min_playlist_position	 V: 	0	
[00:01:00]: 		K: 	name	 V: 	Default	
[00:01:00]: 		K: 	numrandom_set_pieces	 V: 	4	
[00:01:00]: 		K: 	override_level_string	 V: 	false	
[00:01:00]: 		K: 	overrides	 V: 	table: 35B2B630	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	alternatehunt	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	angrybees	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	antliontribute	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	autumn	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	bearger	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	beefalo	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	beefaloheat	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	bees	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	berrybush	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	birds	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	boons	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	branching	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	butterfly	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	buzzard	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	cactus	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	carrot	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	catcoon	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	chess	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	day	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	deciduousmonster	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	deerclops	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	disease_delay	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	dragonfly	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	flint	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	flowers	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	frograin	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	goosemoose	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	grass	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	has_ocean	 V: 	true	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	houndmound	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	hounds	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	hunt	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	keep_disconnected_tiles	 V: 	true	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	krampus	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	layout_mode	 V: 	LinkNodesByKeys	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	liefs	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	lightning	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	lightninggoat	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	loop	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	lureplants	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	marshbush	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	merm	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	meteorshowers	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	meteorspawner	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	moles	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	mushroom	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	no_joining_islands	 V: 	true	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	no_wormholes_to_disconnected_tiles	 V: 	true	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	penguins	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	perd	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	petrification	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	pigs	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	ponds	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	prefabswaps_start	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	rabbits	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	reeds	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	regrowth	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	roads	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	rock	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	rock_ice	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	sapling	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	season_start	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	specialevent	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	spiders	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	spring	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	start_location	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	summer	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	tallbirds	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	task_set	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	tentacles	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	touchstone	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	trees	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	tumbleweed	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	walrus	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	weather	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	wildfires	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	winter	 V: 	default	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	world_size	 V: 	small	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	wormhole_prefab	 V: 	wormhole	
[00:01:00]: 		K: 	random_set_pieces	 V: 	table: 35B2CE90	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	1	 V: 	Sculptures_2	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	2	 V: 	Sculptures_3	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	3	 V: 	Sculptures_4	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	4	 V: 	Sculptures_5	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	5	 V: 	Chessy_1	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	6	 V: 	Chessy_2	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	7	 V: 	Chessy_3	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	8	 V: 	Chessy_4	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	9	 V: 	Chessy_5	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	10	 V: 	Chessy_6	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	11	 V: 	Maxwell1	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	12	 V: 	Maxwell2	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	13	 V: 	Maxwell3	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	14	 V: 	Maxwell4	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	15	 V: 	Maxwell6	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	16	 V: 	Maxwell7	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	17	 V: 	Warzone_1	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	18	 V: 	Warzone_2	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	19	 V: 	Warzone_3	
[00:01:00]: 		K: 	required_prefabs	 V: 	table: 35B2B3D8	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	1	 V: 	multiplayer_portal	
[00:01:00]: 		K: 	required_setpieces	 V: 	table: 35B2CF30	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	1	 V: 	Sculptures_1	
[00:01:00]: 			K: 	2	 V: 	Maxwell5	
[00:01:00]: 		K: 	substitutes	 V: 	table: 35B2CD78	
[00:01:00]: 		K: 	version	 V: 	4	
# Generating SURVIVAL Mode Level
[00:01:00]: Prefab Swap Selection: regular grass	
[00:01:00]: Prefab Swap Selection: regular twigs	
[00:01:00]: Prefab Swap Selection: juicy berries	
[00:01:00]: Sculptures_1 added to task Beeeees!	
[00:01:00]: Maxwell5 added to task For a nice walk	
[00:01:00]: Warzone_3 added to task For a nice walk	
[00:01:00]: Sculptures_4 added to task Magic meadow	
[00:01:00]: Chessy_2 added to task For a nice walk	
[00:01:00]: Sculptures_3 added to task Dig that rock	
[00:01:00]: New size:	50	small	
[00:01:00]: Creating story...	
[00:01:00]: [Story Gen] Generate nodes. Starting at: 'Make a pick'	
[00:01:00]: [Story Gen] LinkNodesByKeys	
[00:01:00]: Finding valid start task...	
[00:01:00]:    ...picked 	Make a pick	
[00:01:00]: Has start node	Clearing	
[00:01:00]: Adding Background Nodes	
[00:01:00]: [Story Gen] Adding Cove Nodes	
[00:01:00]: [Ocean] Processing ocean fake room content.	
[00:01:00]: [WorldSimActual::WorldGen_InitializeNodePoints]
[00:01:00]: [WorldSimActual::WorldGen_VoronoiPass]
[00:01:00]: GenerateVoronoiMap [100]:
[00:01:02]: ...Done.
[00:01:02]: [Make a pick:BG_40:BGGrass] poly.size() == 0
[00:01:02]: [!]	 edge == NULL
[00:01:02]: [Story Gen] Finding nodes on mainland to connect a region to.	
[00:01:02]: [Story Gen] Generate nodes. Starting at: 'MoonIsland_IslandShards'	
[00:01:02]: [Story Gen] RestrictNodesByKey	
[00:01:02]: [Story Gen] Adding Cove Nodes	
[00:01:02]: [WorldSimActual::WorldGen_AddNewPositions]
[00:01:02]: [WorldSimActual::WorldGen_VoronoiPass]
[00:01:02]: GenerateVoronoiMap [50]:
[00:01:03]: ...Done.
[00:01:03]: [Make a pick:COVE_0:Blank] poly.size() == 0
[00:01:03]: [!]	 edge == NULL
[00:01:03]: ... story created	
[00:01:03]: Baking map...	50	
[00:01:03]: [WorldSimActual::WorldGen_Commit] worldgen success.
[00:01:03]: [WorldSimActual::ConvertToTileMap]
[00:01:03]: [ConvertToTileMap]
[00:01:03]: [WorldSimActual::ConvertToTileMap] complete
[00:01:03]: [WorldSimActual::SeparateIslands]
[00:01:03]: [SeparateIslands]
[00:01:03]: [WorldSimActual::SeparateIslands] complete
[00:01:03]: Map Baked!	
[00:01:03]: [WorldSimActual::ForceConnectivity]
[00:01:03]: [GenerateLandmasses]
[00:01:03]: [GenerateLandmasses] islands: 11
[00:01:03]: [MergeConnectedLandmasses] false
[00:01:03]: [WorldSimActual::ForceConnectivity] complete
[00:01:03]: [WorldSimActual::DrawRoads]
[00:01:03]: [DrawRoads]
[00:01:03]: [WorldSimActual::DrawRoads] complete
[00:01:03]: Encoding...	
[00:01:03]: Encoding... DONE	
[00:01:03]: Checking Tags	
[00:01:03]: Populating voronoi...	
[00:01:03]: Warning! Could not find a spot for Ice Hounds in node Badlands:5:HoundyBadlands	
[00:01:03]: Warning! Could not find a spot for MooseNest in node Befriend the pigs:7:Clearing	
[00:01:03]: [ReplaceSingleNonLandTiles] Validating...
[00:01:03]: [ReplaceSingleNonLandTiles] Replaced 6 tiles.
[00:01:03]: Not checking for disconnected tiles.	
[00:01:03]: [Ocean] Placing ocean set pieces.	
[00:01:03]: [Ocean] Placed 8 of 8 ocean set pieces.	
[00:01:03]: [Ocean] Convert impassible to water...	
[00:01:03]: [Ocean]  Square fill...	
[00:01:05]: [Ocean]  Ground fill...	
[00:01:05]: [Ocean]  Noise...	
[00:01:06]: [Ocean]  Blend...	
[00:01:06]: [Ocean]  Adding shoreline...	
[00:01:07]: [Ocean] Void Outline...	
[00:01:07]: [Ocean] Populating the ocean with lots of fun things to do...	
[00:01:07]: [Ocean] Placing ocean set pieces.	
[00:01:07]: [Ocean] Placed 9 of 9 ocean set pieces.	
[00:01:07]: Checking Required Prefab moon_altar_rock_idol has at least 1 instances (1 found).	
[00:01:07]: Checking Required Prefab pigking has at least 1 instances (1 found).	
[00:01:07]: Checking Required Prefab multiplayer_portal has at least 1 instances (1 found).	
[00:01:07]: Checking Required Prefab moon_altar_rock_seed has at least 1 instances (1 found).	
[00:01:07]: Checking Required Prefab moon_altar_rock_glass has at least 1 instances (1 found).	
[00:01:07]: Checking Required Prefab moon_fissure has at least 1 instances (50 found).	
[00:01:07]: [ReplaceSingleNonLandTiles] Validating...
[00:01:07]: [ReplaceSingleNonLandTiles] Replaced 0 tiles.
[00:01:07]: Done forest map gen!	
[00:01:07]: Checking map...	
[00:01:07]: Generation complete	
[00:01:07]: WorldSim::SimThread::Main() complete
[00:01:07]: Serializing world: session/53041AE4B4A382C9/0000000002
[00:01:07]: Klump load on boot started.	
[00:01:07]: Klump files loaded: 	0	
[00:01:07]: 	Unload FE	
[00:01:07]: 	Unload FE done	
[00:01:08]: Mod: Noctium the Temptress of Fate	Registering prefabs	
[00:01:08]: Mod: Noctium the Temptress of Fate	  Registering prefab file: prefabs/noctium	
[00:01:08]: Mod: Noctium the Temptress of Fate	    noctium	
[00:01:08]: Mod: Noctium the Temptress of Fate	  Registering prefab file: prefabs/noctium_none	
[00:01:08]: Mod: Noctium the Temptress of Fate	    noctium_none	
[00:01:08]: Mod: Noctium the Temptress of Fate	  Registering prefab file: prefabs/noct_scythe	
[00:01:08]: Mod: Noctium the Temptress of Fate	    noct_scythe	
[00:01:08]: Mod: Noctium the Temptress of Fate	  Registering prefab file: prefabs/arcana	
[00:01:08]: Mod: Noctium the Temptress of Fate	    arcana_balance	
[00:01:08]: Mod: Noctium the Temptress of Fate	    arcana_bole	
[00:01:08]: Mod: Noctium the Temptress of Fate	    arcana_ewer	
[00:01:08]: Mod: Noctium the Temptress of Fate	    arcana_crown	
[00:01:08]: Mod: Noctium the Temptress of Fate	  Registering default mod prefab	
[00:01:08]: expected <

I will include my modmain as well. modmain.lua


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39 minutes ago, suteneko said:

@Serpens Thank you, thank you! I think it looks perfect!

I was going to test it out but I ran into an error and I'm assuming I messed something up with the recipe tab/recipe coding. I have a standalone item recipe that had no problems but after uncommenting the recipe codes for the arcana cards I keep crashing. EDIT: I really have no idea why it's crashing now. I was tinkering around with it making small alterations and fixing anything that wasn't right (like a misplaced comma or bracket) until it stopped telling me what area in which file (modmain or arcana) was the problem and started straight up crashing.

Not sure if I should just post this in a different thread or just toss it in here in hopes that I can get help with this matter but I'll put it under a spoiler just in case.

never saw this kind of "error".
So I can only guess:
1) Not sure if this works, try to remove it and see if it helps (if not you can put it back)
STRINGS.CHARACTER_QUOTES.noctium = "\"Why, this is lovely~\""
2) try to use capital letters for the strings STRINGS.CHARACTER_QUOTES.NOCTIUM
3) the recipes dont include information what to craft. prefabs are alway lowercase and always 1 word. so your first recipe should look like this instead (at 13th location you put your prefab that should be crafted):

local noct_scythe_recipe = AddRecipe("Blackbosom Reaver",
{GLOBAL.Ingredient("boneshard", 1), GLOBAL.Ingredient("gears", 1), GLOBAL.Ingredient("nightmarefuel", 1)},
nil, nil, nil, nil, "astrologian",
"images/inventoryimages/noct_scythe.xml", "noct_scythe.tex",nil,"yourprefab")

4) put "local" in front of the first "arcanatab".

fixed postion of "yourprefab". was at position 14 instead of 13.

Edited by Serpens
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7 minutes ago, Serpens said:

never saw this kind of "error".
So I can only guess:
1) Not sure if this works, try to remove it and see if it helps (if not you can put it back)
STRINGS.CHARACTER_QUOTES.noctium = "\"Why, this is lovely~\""
2) try to use capital letters for the strings STRINGS.CHARACTER_QUOTES.NOCTIUM
3) the recipes dont include information what to craft. prefabs are alway lowercase and always 1 word. so your first recipe should look like this instead (at 13th location you put your prefab that should be crafted):

local noct_scythe_recipe = AddRecipe("Blackbosom Reaver",
{GLOBAL.Ingredient("boneshard", 1), GLOBAL.Ingredient("gears", 1), GLOBAL.Ingredient("nightmarefuel", 1)},
nil, nil, nil, nil, "astrologian",
"images/inventoryimages/noct_scythe.xml", "noct_scythe.tex",nil,nil,"yourprefab")

4) put "local" in front of the first "arcanatab".

I uncommented where I'd added "arcanatab" and "arcana" (the hud and inventoryimages files) under Assets and it decided to work. The only other issue I encountered was this:

The images didn't show up properly. (I got the images working by fixing a super stupid error I made when I added the files to Assets lol)

When I crafted the items (they currently use 1 cutgrass each) my character would say they can't do it and the craft would fail (and eat the grass).

Edited by suteneko
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3 minutes ago, suteneko said:

I uncommented where I'd added "arcanatab" and "arcana" (the hud and inventoryimages files) under Assets and it decided to work. The only other issue I encountered was this:

The images didn't show up properly. (I got the images working by fixing a super stupid error I made when I added the files to Assets lol)

When I crafted the items (they currently use 1 cutgrass each) my character would say they can't do it and the craft would fail (and eat the grass).

i can not help much more without testing myself, so I would need the complete mod (you can upload it and as soon as I reacted to the post you can edit and remove the upload (if you fear thiefs of your mod)

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3 minutes ago, Serpens said:

i can not help much more without testing myself, so I would need the complete mod (you can upload it and as soon as I reacted to the post you can edit and remove the upload (if you fear thiefs of your mod)

Thank you so much for taking the time to help me with all this ;u; I really appreciate it.

I haven't finished drawing the items so I just renamed items to fill in the meantime. Things are going to look a little off/wonky.

Edited by suteneko
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20 minutes ago, suteneko said:

Thank you so much for taking the time to help me with all this ;u; I really appreciate it.

I haven't finished drawing the items so I just renamed items to fill in the meantime. Things are going to look a little off/wonky.

you did not fix the recipes like I told you above =P the prefab what the recipe should craft is missing.
And right, the list is called "PrefabFiles", so arcane_balance is not a file, it is a prefab. So you only need "arcane" in this list.

This final scyte recipe should look like this:
local noct_scythe_recipe = AddRecipe("Blackbosom Reaver",
{GLOBAL.Ingredient("boneshard", 1), GLOBAL.Ingredient("gears", 1), GLOBAL.Ingredient("nightmarefuel", 1)},
nil, nil, nil, nil, "astrologian",
"images/inventoryimages/noct_scythe.xml", "noct_scythe.tex",nil,"noct_scythe")

Edited by Serpens
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7 minutes ago, Serpens said:

you did not fix the recipes like I told you above =P the prefab what the recipe should craft is missing.
And right, the list is called "PrefabFiles", so arcane_balance is not a file, it is a prefab. So you only need "arcane" in this list.

This final scyte recipe should look like this:
local noct_scythe_recipe = AddRecipe("Blackbosom Reaver",
{GLOBAL.Ingredient("boneshard", 1), GLOBAL.Ingredient("gears", 1), GLOBAL.Ingredient("nightmarefuel", 1)},
nil, nil, nil, nil, "astrologian",
"images/inventoryimages/noct_scythe.xml", "noct_scythe.tex",nil,"noct_scythe")

I have the arcane_balance/bole/ewer/crown uncommented under PrefabFiles. I was originally going to make them separate files (didn't know you could combine them all into one) but I didn't straight up delete the code text I'd put there in preparation and just uncommented them instead. They don't affect anything o:

I didn't know the scythe recipe was an issue since it's a starting item and I never actually attempted to craft it xD (I probably should have--) I'll make the changes now.

The main issue was that the cards were giving me a problem to craft.

EDIT: Okay, I tried crafting it by making the recipe only cost HP real quick and I see what you mean now. All fixed now (for the scythe)! I just have to do the same for the cards, then?

Edited by suteneko
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3 minutes ago, suteneko said:

I have the arcane_balance/bole/ewer/crown uncommented under PrefabFiles. I was originally going to make them separate files (didn't know you could combine them all into one) but I didn't straight up delete the code text I'd put there in preparation and just uncommented them instead. They don't affect anything o:

I didn't know the scythe recipe was an issue since it's a starting item and I never actually attempted to craft it xD (I probably should have--) I'll make the changes now.

The main issue was that the cards were giving me a problem to craft.

all recipers suffer from the same problem. scythe was only the example code I gave you how to fix.

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1 minute ago, Serpens said:

all recipers suffer from the same problem. scythe was only the example code I gave you how to fix.

Yeah, I got it now ;7; Sorry I didn't get it. Thank you so much! Now I can test the card effects (finally)! But I also need to sleep... I will get back to you on how the cards work unless you already tested it.

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4 minutes ago, suteneko said:

Yeah, I got it now ;7; Sorry I didn't get it. Thank you so much! Now I can test the card effects (finally)! But I also need to sleep... I will get back to you on how the cards work unless you already tested it.

at least the book-read animation is working. Did not test more, you can do that ;) good night.
btw you can always use the console to test. eg "c_freecrafting" will let you craft everything for free. and c_give("arcane_balance") will give you a card to test. So you dont need the recipes itself to test the cards.

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Just now, Serpens said:

at least the book-read animation is working. Did not test more, you can do that ;) good night.

Just kidding I was curious and started poking at them myself. All the card effects look like they work properly with no issue. I'll do further testing later with a friend to see if they get the card effects properly and how big the radius is (not sure how measuring works in this game).

I am not entirely sure how I'm going to tackle the book animation altering yet, but that'll be a monster I tackle another day.


Thank you so, so much for all your assistance! Honestly a life saver! Hopefully I didn't waste too much of your time ;u;

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I found out through testing that the item disappears when dropped. I was trying to see what code to put in from a working item that doesn't disappear when dropped but didn't really see any differences.

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9 hours ago, suteneko said:

I found out through testing that the item disappears when dropped. I was trying to see what code to put in from a working item that doesn't disappear when dropped but didn't really see any differences.

I guess it is just invisible, so the anim has a problem, search this forum for invisible anim or sth like this. I dont have knwoledge about anims.
You can test if it disappears or is just invisible by writing c_gonext("yourprefab") into the console. Then you will teleport to the next found item with that name.

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Now that I've finally fixed the issue with the cards going invisible when dropped I have attempted to revive by haunting the "Lady of Crowns" card and it didn't work.

Everything else works like a charm :D

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3 hours ago, suteneko said:


Now that I've finally fixed the issue with the cards going invisible when dropped I have attempted to revive by haunting the "Lady of Crowns" card and it didn't work.

Everything else works like a charm :D

Cant tell you why, I think the code looks okay, but I mmight overlook sth. It should work when a ghost is haunting it.
If not, and you are not able to  find out why, I would have to test your current mod version.

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