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[REQUEST] Buff solar panel capacity

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I hate the staggering solar panels in space build. I rather have a solar panels that i can build in a row, and them producing to their max capacity.

I would like to mod myself but I don't know how to and do not have the time to invest to learn how to; and all material i have stumbled seems to be in windows terms.

I have a couple ideas as to how these can be implemented;

* Solar panels require twice as much materials, but have twice the capacity.

* New building that is half as short, but twice as tall. Same tile space taken, with same capacity. But absorbtion space is smaller

* Solar panels are transparent, meaning they let through the light that they cannot absorb due to capacity issues.

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It's done. Added the functionality to Customize Buildings https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1818138009

You can deactivate all other functionalities, so no need for me to make a new mod.

You can also add

    "SolarPanel": {
      "ConstructionMass": 400.0

to the BuildingBaseSettings, to make it cost whatever amount of material you want.

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