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Need to rewrite perks from DS to DST

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My mod for Single Player Don't Starve has already been published, so I'm now working on getting it ready for Don't Starve Together.

Some of the perks I've managed to move over successfully and some haven't.

Any ideas on the following?:

  • More sanity aura from Glommer
  • Lower maximum body temperature in Winter (so you freeze 'faster')
  • Removing sanity drain from wetness and wet items

Thanks you.


Edited by Scrumch
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First, is this a character mod or a mod that just alters all these things for everyone?

More sanity aura from Glommer

If this is supposed to be for everyone on the server, it's quite easy. You can simply do:

AddPrefabPostInit("glommer", function(inst)
	inst.components.sanityaura.aura = TUNING.SANITYAURA_MED

The normal value is TUNING.SANITYAURA_TINY, but you can set it to whatever numeric value you want. The value is amount of sanity drained per second.

If you only want to change this for your character specifically, you need to do something a bit more interesting. This code creates a new aura function for calculating the rate-value, which will be used instead of the game using the static "aura" variable. If the observer has a tag that you've given your character, MY_UNIQUE_CHARACTER_TAG, it will use a different rate than everyone else, MY_NUMERIC_VALUE. Otherwise, it checks if there is an existing aurafn (perhaps added by another mod) and if not, it uses the static "aura" value.

AddPrefabPostInit("glommer", function(inst)
    local origAura = inst.components.sanityaura.aurafn
    local function CalcSanityAura(inst, observer)
        return observer:HasTag("MY_UNIQUE_CHARACTER_TAG") and MY_NUMERIC_VALUE or origAura ~= nil and origAura(inst, observer) or inst.components.sanityaura.aura
    inst.components.sanityaura.aurafn = CalcSanityAura

Lower maximum body temperature in Winter (so you freeze 'faster')

It's hard to directly affect temperatures, because it's all bundled into one big calculation in the temperature component. You can do an assortment of things to achieve this, though. One thing you can't do, is just set your character's inherentinsulation to a negative value, because when winterinsulation is recalculated, it is capped to minimum 0 whatever its value, so setting a negative inherentinsulation will only remove some of the insulation you get from wearing items with winterinsulation on, but will do nothing if you are not wearing any such items.

But what you can do are these things:

  • Watch the world season state, and when it becomes winter, you simply add a modifier which directly affects how cold the world is to your character. So, listen for the world season state changes, and then when it changes to winter, you do this:
    inst.component.temperature:SetModifier("MY_UNIQUE_MODIFIER_NAME", MY_NEGATIVE_VALUE)
    and when it changes to anything but winter, you do this:
  • OR, activate a task when winter starts, which constantly decreases your player's temperature, and then deactivate that task when the season changes to something other than winter.

Removing sanity drain from wetness and wet items

There is no way to nicely change this without making your mod incompatible with e.g. Sanity Tuner and any other mods which make changes to the Recalc function. The best you can do, is apply the same moisture rate but flip the sign is you basically negate it.

Put this in your character's master_postinit

local oldRecalc = inst.components.sanity.Recalc
inst.components.sanity.Recalc = function(self, dt)
	oldRecalc(self, dt)
	-- Basically, we just redo the entire sanity calculation, but only for the moisture part, and flip the sign.
	self:DoDelta(-easing.inSine(self.inst.components.moisture:GetMoisture(), 0, TUNING.MOISTURE_SANITY_PENALTY_MAX, self.inst.components.moisture:GetMaxMoisture()) * self.rate_modifier * dt, true)

If you using Sanity Tuner, or want to make your mod completely compatible with it, we'll need to do some more work on this, but it shouldn't be too much trouble.

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