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Maxwell, the Shadow Caster - (rework concept)

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My first language is not english so I apologize about spelling mistakes in advance

-Rework Concept-

Maxwell (William Carter)

Firstly, I know that Maxwell is one of the best characters in the game already, however be one of the best characters in the game doesn't necessarily makes him perfect and what is not perfect always can be improved. Reworks have as goal make the character more UNIQUE (inviting) and DYNAMIC (enjoyable).
Said that, I want to make it clear that the rework idea I've created for him change MUCH the way he works currently, Maxwell works outstandinly well currently for what he was proposed but I wanna give him something that translate better his personality and plot.

The concept base which I chose to focus to achieve the final result was:

-Dark Magic

(Maxwell itself is one of the most complex characters and also one of the most important, I wanted to embrace the challenge of reflect this in his playability, so wait for a character that will NOT be begginer friendly).



-Sanity Regeneration: The passive sanity regeneration of Maxwell is totally suitable, seeing that among all the characters he is possibly the person with most knowledge from the Constant as he was the king from that place for a considerable time so you can add the fact that he doesn't let himself be intimidated so easily by the wild and ominous beings or ambience from that world.

-Umbral Manipulation (NEW): Maxwell can imprison in his codex umbra the shadow creatures with 25% or less of life (Crawling Horror e Terrorbeak), later Maxwell will be able to alter their wild proprieties to use them as a catalyzer for his new creations. The Maxwell's "Umbral Manipulation" new mechanic allows him to capture and imprison shadow creatures for later use as material for his new creations. When possible to imprison them the shadows will feature a distortion aspect and by clicking in the creature it will be quickly swallowed inside the book recovering Maxwell's sanity in 15. While carrying the book in the inventory, in the superior right side of the screen will be displayed the quantity of Crawling Horror and Terrorbeak the Codex Umbra has imprisoned, so yes, the creatures are imprisoned and connected to the Codex Umbra and not Maxwell, it is possible to have 20 of each creature imprisoned in the Codex Umbra.

-Codex Umbra (REWORK): The Codex Umbra becomes an equipable item (as happens with the tomes in The Forge), while equipped the book gives to Maxwell access to the Shadow Tab which can be used to cast his creations. Like other equipments The Codex Umbra also has a lifespan losing its power in 10% on each use, is possible to recharge the book in 20% using Nightmare Fuel or leaving it near a nightmare fissure during the nightmare cicle in the ruins (that way its power is recovered in 20% for each 3 seconds). It's possible to attack with the book however, although not losing durability the damage will be only 5.

-Dark Knowledge (NEW): Maxwell starts with all the knowledge from prestihilator, a perk that will not aggregate so much as the others but was created to be storywise, nothing more fair that the dethroned king has knowledge from shadow magic which the others doesn't have just like Wickerbottom has knowledge from science.


-Extremely Squishy: The 75 HP attribute... fair enough principally given his new potential.

-Regenerative Intolerance (NEW): Abusing from shadow magic gave Maxwell a more powerful and tough mind, unfortunately the same can't be said for the body. Over time Maxwell slowly cultivated a considerable intollerance to any kind of healing, all the healing Maxwell receives from any source is reduced to 2/3.

And now I will talk about the two factors that aren't exactly a negative perk however they were key parts to allow me to work with more innovation for Maxwell, the elimination of the Logger and Digger puppets, yes I've DELETED the best puppet of Maxwell and I will explain the reason. Delete the logger puppet opened doors for me to work with a new concept and also gave to Woodie's rework more relevance, Woodie and Maxwell currently shares the same role (even that not completely) and even that Woodie have more coherence with this role Maxwell totally overshadows him, well, in this rework this will no happen anymore because now I gave to Woodie all the exclusive deforestation power he always desired to have.
The digger puppet was always seen as a support for the logger, so doesn't make much meaning to keep it without the main puppet, deleting this puppet also gave me more space to create other things.

Finally comes the best part, where I show the new options and how each one will work.

Maxwell have now access to 8 creations through the Codex Umbra.

Ps: The puppets keeps fragmenting Maxwell's sanity while alive
Ps²: I Created a quote for each casting

The creations are separated as roles:

2 - Resource
2 - Utility
2 - Defense
2 - Attack

Nightmare Fuel [Resource]
-60 Sanity
-35 Life

"The shadow bites"

I can't find any other resource that are so consistent with him than Nightmare Fuel itself.
I came to a cost that I found very decent principally added the higher difficult for Maxwell players to heal now.

Shadow Miner [Resource]
Nightmare Fuel x 2
-15% sanity meter

"Heigh-Ho… Heigh-Ho" (Yes, this is a Disney reference)

No changes at here.

Nightmare Chest [Utility]
Nightmare Fuel x 1
Crawling Horror x 1
Terrorbeak x 1
-20% sanity meter

"Carry my regrets"

A new puppet that have as function to follow Maxwell and serve as a chest just like Chester. (I imagined the appearance as a simple puppet with a backpack)

Nightmare Rose [Utility]
Nightmare Fuel x 2
Crawling Horror x 2

"I miss you..."

By creating the Nightmare Rose Maxwell chooses a place to plant it, the Nightmare Rose will emanate a powerful insanity aura of -400 per minute (the same as Deerclops) that will persist for 1 day. This creation will help make players insane. 

Dark Cloak [Defense]
Nightmare Fuel x 1
Crawling Horror x 3

"Despair wraps me"

Maxwell weaves a shadow cloak that will wrap him for 1 day, any hostile creature near enough of Maxwell will be taken by a inescapable sense of horror and will run in the opposite direction for 3 seconds (doesn't affect bosses). I decided to create a whole new and unique defense system for Maxwell that will help him deal with creatures at close range.

Dark Bubble [Defense]
Nightmare Fuel x 1
Terrorbeak x 3

"And again I am untouchable"

A dark bubble covers Maxwell, Maxwell will be protected completely from 5 stances of damage (unconventional sources of damage like overheating or freezing stills affecting him and will not affect the bubble). The bubble doesn't stacks and will only be renewed. An option more powerful for defense however more limited and expansive.

Night Archer [Attack]
Nightmare Fuel x 2
Crawling Horror x 2
Terrorbeak x 2
-25% sanity meter

"Go for the eyes"

Archer Status
75 Life
45 of damage each 2.5 seconds

Maxwell summons an archer puppet to support him in battle, the puppet will attack any creature hostile towards Maxwell or any creature that Maxwell attacks and will always try to create a distance from the target before procceed with the attack.
It is possible to have only 1 Night Archer alive.
A puppet created to help Maxwell in combat, have a reasonable damage with a good cooldown between the attacks.

Night Meteor Mage [Attack]
Nightmare Fuel x 3
Crawling Horror x 3
Terrorbeak x 3
-30% sanity meter

"Armageddon Awaits"

Mage status
75 Life
220 of damage each 3.5 seconds

Maxwell summons a mage puppet to support him in battle, the puppet will attack any creature hostile towards Maxwell or any creature that Maxwell attacks and will always try to create a distance from the target before procceed with the attack. The attack of this puppet is AOE and the appearance and animation is Maxwell with Meteor Staff from The Forge (or from The Lost Fragment mod by Klei).
It is possible to have only 1 Night Meteor Mage alive.
A puppet much more expansive with a more powerful but slow attack, this one will be better for bosses fight.


Manipulate the shadows
Is dapper but frail
On a first-name basis with the night


Maxwell becomes a shadow magic caster with unique and expansive options and the rework creates a lot of rotation of Nightmare Fuel from Max preventing any Nightmare Fuel farm abuse. The necessity for constant battle with shadow creatures to acquire resources and know when to spend them is the main reason to put him away from beginners and making him one of the most hard characters to play, but also one of the most satisfying (maybe?).

This is my concept, I've created this 3 months ago, much ideas was discarded until this point, certainly I will not please everyone but I would like to share how could be the rework for my favourite character looking from a different perspective besides only farm, farm, farm... He was the king from the constant, he certainly could do more than just get wood and rocks more faster than the others.

Thank you for reading this far! :wilson_smile:

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On ‎2019‎-‎08‎-‎17 at 2:50 AM, Hyperpsychic said:

-Umbral Manipulation (NEW): Maxwell can imprison in his codex umbra the shadow creatures with 25% or less of life (Crawling Horror e Terrorbeak), later Maxwell will be able to alter their wild proprieties to use them as a catalyzer for his new creations. The Maxwell's "Umbral Manipulation" new mechanic allows him to capture and imprison shadow creatures for later use as material for his new creations. When possible to imprison them the shadows will feature a distortion aspect and by clicking in the creature it will be quickly swallowed inside the book recovering Maxwell's sanity in 15. While carrying the book in the inventory, in the superior right side of the screen will be displayed the quantity of Crawling Horror and Terrorbeak the Codex Umbra has imprisoned, so yes, the creatures are imprisoned and connected to the Codex Umbra and not Maxwell, it is possible to have 20 of each creature imprisoned in the Codex Umbra

It seems very hard to imlicant this mechanics. Moreover I think for Maxwell as ex-king insanity should be extremely dangerous.

On ‎2019‎-‎08‎-‎17 at 2:50 AM, Hyperpsychic said:

-Dark Knowledge (NEW): Maxwell starts with all the knowledge from prestihilator, a perk that will not aggregate so much as the others but was created to be storywise, nothing more fair that the dethroned king has knowledge from shadow magic which the others doesn't have just like Wickerbottom has knowledge from science

If Klei adds Wawerly it should be her perk

On ‎2019‎-‎08‎-‎17 at 2:50 AM, Hyperpsychic said:

And now I will talk about the two factors that aren't exactly a negative perk however they were key parts to allow me to work with more innovation for Maxwell, the elimination of the Logger and Digger puppets, yes I've DELETED the best puppet of Maxwell and I will explain the reason. Delete the logger puppet opened doors for me to work with a new concept and also gave to Woodie's rework more relevance, Woodie and Maxwell currently shares the same role (even that not completely) and even that Woodie have more coherence with this role Maxwell totally overshadows him, well, in this rework this will no happen anymore because now I gave to Woodie all the exclusive deforestation power he always desired to have.
The digger puppet was always seen as a support for the logger, so doesn't make much meaning to keep it without the main puppet, deleting this puppet also gave me more space to create other things.

Yes it has a sense.

On ‎2019‎-‎08‎-‎17 at 2:50 AM, Hyperpsychic said:

Archer Status
75 Life
45 of damage each 2.5 seconds

Maxwell summons an archer puppet to support him in battle, the puppet will attack any creature hostile towards Maxwell or any creature that Maxwell attacks and will always try to create a distance from the target before procceed with the attack.
It is possible to have only 1 Night Archer alive.
A puppet created to help Maxwell in combat, have a reasonable damage with a good cooldown between the attacks.

This is the good idea.

On ‎2019‎-‎08‎-‎17 at 2:50 AM, Hyperpsychic said:

Mage status
75 Life
220 of damage each 3.5 seconds

Maxwell summons a mage puppet to support him in battle, the puppet will attack any creature hostile towards Maxwell or any creature that Maxwell attacks and will always try to create a distance from the target before procceed with the attack. The attack of this puppet is AOE and the appearance and animation is Maxwell with Meteor Staff from The Forge (or from The Lost Fragment mod by Klei).
It is possible to have only 1 Night Meteor Mage alive.
A puppet much more expansive with a more powerful but slow attack, this one will be better for bosses fight.

AoE attack is Abigail's ability.

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On 02/09/2019 at 5:19 PM, maciu67 said:

If Klei adds Wawerly it should be her perk

Even if this could be done for Waverly it still very lore friendly with Maxwell


On 02/09/2019 at 5:19 PM, maciu67 said:

AoE attack is Abigail's ability.

So does Winona's catapults, Abigail can stun, aggro and can tank a great number of mobs, the puppets can't do that. The point is, Bernie, Abigail, Puppets, Catapults, they all can battle but from a different way.

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On 8/16/2019 at 6:50 PM, Hyperpsychic said:

-Umbral Manipulation (NEW)

...oh my god I didn't realize how much I wanted this.

I mained Maxwell with his current perks for a long while and even then, I really like the premise of this rework concept. It makes his involvement with the Shadows and Fuel a lot more...involved. His power over them becomes a lot more visible and provides the player with more unique things to do, feeling more reactive and like a piece of gameplay rather than just a crafting tab.

The rest of the post has some neat ideas, but...
That section in particular just screams what Maxwell needs as a basis for becoming more interesting; it isn't just about the power, it's about how gameplay reacts to the player.
I hope Klei is watching here.



Also an ability that causes a bunch of ensnared shadow hands, like the ones that extinguish fires, to reach up and temporarily immobilize any mobs in an area would be neat as heck; and could be achieved by repurposing the Petrifying Tome effect. Just throwing that out there.

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On 12/09/2019 at 1:44 AM, maradyne said:

...oh my god I didn't realize how much I wanted this.

I mained Maxwell with his current perks for a long while and even then, I really like the premise of this rework concept. It makes his involvement with the Shadows and Fuel a lot more...involved. His power over them becomes a lot more visible and provides the player with more unique things to do, feeling more reactive and like a piece of gameplay rather than just a crafting tab.

The rest of the post has some neat ideas, but...
That section in particular just screams what Maxwell needs as a basis for becoming more interesting; it isn't just about the power, it's about how gameplay reacts to the player.
I hope Klei is watching here.



Also an ability that causes a bunch of ensnared shadow hands, like the ones that extinguish fires, to reach up and temporarily immobilize any mobs in an area would be neat as heck; and could be achieved by repurposing the Petrifying Tome effect. Just throwing that out there.

I am so glad that someone understood the nature of this rework so well, the rework is indeed about
give to Maxwell more involviment and personality and not power, power is consequence, and make him
work directly with the shadows to accomplish results is one of the best ideas I've had.

I loved the idea of the shadow hands as I always thought that we could utilize the mechanic of the
petrifying tome in the game out of The Forge, this in Maxwell would be a dream coming true.

I appreciate your feedback.

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