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[Mod Request] Prepare Carefully

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Short Description: Allow precise control of duplicant, interests and traits for starting duplicants

Long Description: A replacement interface for the "Choose 3 duplicants to begin" screen, allowing the player to select exactly which interests and traits the player wants for the starting duplicants.

Examples of what would be possible with this mod, with a few clicks: Camille with Dig-Build-Supply, Diver's Lungs and Yokel. Nikola with Build-Operate-Supply , +Strength and Squeamish. Etc.

Additional Information: Ever played Dwarf Fortress? I love how that game lets me choose exactly what skills each dwarf has before I embark. I've long wished for a similar feature for Oxygen Not Included.

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Its unfortunately near impossible to do right now. Currently there is no support at all within the game to create new UI screens. The closest we can get is usually reusing old ones and putting in very minor modifications to some values. Nowhere near close to what we would need to add this in.
Klei has mentioned before that they will look into providing tools for modders to create and add in there own screens, but at the rate they move for modding progress it could be a long way down the road. 

The only plausible way I could see this right now is a mod that would read in an XML (or similar) file that defines what the 3 Duplicants start as. Unfortunately no easy clicks.

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