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Playing with Warly

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This character has an incredible appetite, I spend a lot of time just getting food.    In a team setting it's also difficult without support, takes me a good number of days before I have an operation going and by that time it's winter.   Depends on who you play with, some don't care at all about the bonus meals, some do.   

Playing solo I've found it's easier to start with a more robust character and set everything up for Warly to make the transition at the end of winter.   Farms require a lot of material but once you have 12-16 of them (8-12 solo is plenty) the food comes rolling in faster than you can eat it.   I'm thinking of setting up a "kitchen" with different iceboxes for health, sanity, and hunger.    Forgot, in summertime you can still grow crops with a fling right?


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5 minutes ago, Mencken said:

in summertime you can still grow crops with a fling right?

Yep. And as a matter of fact in the caves farms will never wither, but you need to place them only in areas where natural sunlight enters.

Over all it is true, Warly has a rough solo start, with brief benefits until after the first winter, which is about the time it takes to make a large enough farm area and some bee boxes. But once you start getting a steady supply of ingredients and bundling wrap, you become unstoppable.

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