Backpack Locator, Pig House Locator, Beefalo Riding, and backpack slot Suggestions

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These are my suggestions.1.Map Icons I would like a backpack locator icon on the map. I lose backpacks a lot when I equip armor and run for my life, chased by a den... or two of spiders. I forget where I dropped it, and then i lose valuable loot. Also Chest icons would be good too. I randomly make chests to store loot when I'm in an area far from any of my camps.I think Pig houses also should have a map icon, just like the beehives do.And perhaps an icon for the location of a group of Beefalo. Now which yellow patch were the Beefalo in? I like to explore the map, so it starts to get complicated and difficult to remember when I have 10 yellow patches on my map and I haven't visited the Beefalo in a few days.Perhaps you might think this will make the map to cluttered, so I have another suggestion that could help. In map view you could toggle on and off Resource icons, Creature Icons(Pig Houses, Beefalo Herds, Tallbird and Spider nests, etc) and Item icons (Backpacks, camp fires, Science machines, farm plots.)2. Beefalo Riding and Beefalo CareI once had a pet Beefalo. I was very sad when he up and died on me. I would like to be able to feed my Beefalo so that it likes me. You can do this with the Pig men and have them fight with you. I would like to be able to feed my Beefalo and continually harvest its hair, because they don't live very long, so feeding should extend its life span.I want an item, like a harness, so my character can ride the Beefalo, allowing the characters to travel faster around the map.3. I have a suggestion for the backpack slot. Make a separate slot from the armor slot. We should be able to wear the backpack over the armor4. It would also be nice to have more armor and on hand weapons like tentacle spikes.

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I think the map should have icons for pigs and backpacks. Other than that I disagree with the other ideas. I like having to choose between armor and storage. It makes for an interesting dynamic when a spider queen emerges and you have to decide quickly whether to risk losing your life or your backpack :p

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With the current version of Don't Starve, the maps are big and the items are many. I think there is a growing need for detailed map icons, but I also like the clean and simple map tab. A solution that I could see being implemented is a craft-able map (I am unsure if this has been discussed in this forum before). Perhaps it could be made of papyrus, twigs, charcoal, or the like. This map could fill an inventory slot, held in the hand, or maybe even a build-able structure like a globe that allows you to access a more advanced map only while at the location in which it is constructed, like a base.There is also the idea that a map could interfere with the struggle against isolation that is such a big part of the feel of the game. I feel it most when I am almost done circling the map edges, and then it is replaced with a feeling of, "what now?" By this I mean that I now want to convert my exploration "resource" into other resources. I think a map would serve as a nice checklist of things that the player has found in their initial exploring of the islands. This would help a player to establish their own goals more easily by cutting out the guess work involved in exploration and resource management. For example, the player now encounters pieces of the tele-porter scattered around the island. Each piece takes up an inventory slot and serves no purpose until placed on the wooden base. If the player chooses to walk by a piece without picking it up, then it could easily result in a lot of wandering through previously discovered areas. TL ; DRA craft-able map or globe that puts more icons on the player's map

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staff ja ta complains that the game too easy and you wanting more ease.

I know, its absolutely terrible. Utterly unforgivable! How can I desire ease in a game made to shed blood sweat and tears. And yet here I sit, comfortably, in front of my monitor, eating chocolate-covered donuts, and wandering the vast, winter wasteland as my simulated self suffers from frostbite and a grumbly tummy. jk

I think the map should have icons for pigs and backpacks. Other than that I disagree with the other ideas. I like having to choose between armor and storage. It makes for an interesting dynamic when a spider queen emerges and you have to decide quickly whether to risk losing your life or your backpack :p

Yeah, the extra map icons and possibly being able to toggle the icons off and on are what I am most interested in. The other things I just thought would be fun.

For example, the player now encounters pieces of the tele-porter scattered around the island. Each piece takes up an inventory slot and serves no purpose until placed on the wooden base. If the player chooses to walk by a piece without picking it up, then it could easily result in a lot of wandering through previously discovered areas.

Yup, I try not to leave any found pieces where they are, because they are not marked on the map. I almost(but I don't) wish for a map that I could put notes on, or write on. Zelda Phantom Tracks anyone. I would be writing things like oh Noo Spiders! or Tentacle Hell. Actually that would become a problem real quick.My goal in Don't Starve is to explore the entire island, and then become King and bend nature to my will. I will have a castle and all creatures will bring offerings of supplication! Mwaaahhaaha.... wishful thinking. Edited by Toaster Fu
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