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Passing mod

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Hey guys,

I like to give 3 of my mods / mod plans to someone else.

The condition would be that that person works actively on them.

1. The autosweeper mod: Its essentially finished but needs to be maintained. Also it would be neat if someone could come up with a fix for the autosweeper go through tiles cost extreme amounts of fps problem.

2. The Outgate: A gate that would send your colony to a new map. I wrote only some lines and the concept. However i would write the integration for features of the new map.

3. The Nuclear power mod: Originally a mod with its own disease and a complex increase in heat generation. Now only a simple heat generating plate mainly because of the new disease system.

I really like to see it in a new glory with base radiating danger of nuclear meltdown. I would help with the balancing there too.

But that certainly is too much for me to regenerate it properly.

Hope someone wants to take up the abandoned puppies here.

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25 minutes ago, Rainbowdesign said:

Also it would be neat if someone could come up with a fix for the autosweeper go through tiles cost extreme amounts of fps problem.

SolidTransferArm.Sim1000ms(float dt) <-- that one is likely the culprit. Removing this.RefreshReachableCells() entirely might help. Just think about it. Just set the cells once and for all. As long as the transfer arm building isn't moving and cells can't be blocked, the cells in the list will never change. There is no need to redo that test every second.

Most likely the list would have to be created in OnSpawn. Just make sure it works when you load a game and it doesn't actually crash the game because it spawns before finish loading. If this is a problem, make an unsaved bool, which is false by default and if false in Sim1000ms, set it to true and make the list of cells.

The question is how much this will help because it might be a problem in finding the chores in the much bigger list of cells.

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