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Cactusflower - Could someone look over my script, please?

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I have brought cactus to Hamlet with my mod and now I'm trying to get them to bloom in the humid season.

I tried in modmain:

GetSeasonManager = GLOBAL.GetSeasonManager

local function cactus_H(inst)
    if GetSeasonManager() and GetSeasonManager():IsHumidSeason() then
        inst.AnimState:PushAnimation("idle_flower", true)
        inst.has_flower = true
        inst.AnimState:PushAnimation("idle", true)
        inst.has_flower = false
AddPrefabPostInit("cactus", cactus_H)

local function OnEntityWake_H(inst)
    if GetSeasonManager() and GetSeasonManager():IsHumidSeason() then
        if inst.components.pickable and inst.components.pickable.canbepicked then
            inst.AnimState:PlayAnimation("idle_flower", true)
            inst.has_flower = true
            inst.AnimState:PlayAnimation("empty", true)
            inst.has_flower = false
        if inst.components.pickable and inst.components.pickable.canbepicked then
            inst.AnimState:PlayAnimation("idle", true)
            inst.AnimState:PlayAnimation("empty", true)
        inst.has_flower = false
AddPrefabPostInit("cactus", OnEntityWake_H)


It`s not working, can someone see were the problem is?

Thank you


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You have two AddPrefabPostInit for one prefab. Why? What you're doing here, is making both of those functions execute after the entity has been initialized. That could be the crux of the problem.

To help you figure out exactly why it's not working, I'd need either your log (if it has an error in it) or the entire mod in a zip.

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What you're doing only affects the cactus when it's being created, so your code is only run at start-up. What you need to do, is replace the onregenfn being passed to the pickable component, and the OnEntityAwake function being put on the cactus prefab.

This should work:



local function cactus_H(inst)
	-- Replace OnEntityAwake, which normally reacts to summer season.
	inst.OnEntityWake = function(inst)
		if GetSeasonManager() and GetSeasonManager():IsHumidSeason() then
			if inst.components.pickable and inst.components.pickable.canbepicked then
				inst.AnimState:PlayAnimation("idle_flower", true)
				inst.has_flower = true
				inst.AnimState:PlayAnimation("empty", true)
				inst.has_flower = false
			if inst.components.pickable and inst.components.pickable.canbepicked then
				inst.AnimState:PlayAnimation("idle", true)
				inst.AnimState:PlayAnimation("empty", true)
			inst.has_flower = false
	-- Replace onregenfn, which normally reacts to summer season.
	inst.components.pickable.onregenfn = function(inst)
		if GetSeasonManager() and GetSeasonManager():IsHumidSeason() then
			inst.AnimState:PushAnimation("idle_flower", true)
			inst.has_flower = true
			inst.AnimState:PushAnimation("idle", true)
			inst.has_flower = false
AddPrefabPostInit("cactus", cactus_H)



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You're very welcome. Please make sure to make your mod only compatible with Hamlet, since it'll mess up the cacti if the mod is used in SW or DS/RoG. I didn't see if you already did this. Just making sure.

18 minutes ago, MissSora22 said:

I would like to thank you on the mode page when I make the next update. But only if you are alright with that.

It's far from required, but would be very appreciated. If you feel like it, go ahead :)

Also, I don't know how this works if you turn on the mod and start a game in e.g. SW but make it Hamlet compatible...and what happens if you start in SW and sail to Hamlet in the Seaworthy?

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47 minutes ago, Ultroman said:


dont_starve_compatible = false
reign_of_giants_compatible = false
shipwrecked_compatible = false
hamlet_compatible = true


I already tried that, but them the SW recipes I added don`t work anymore.

I will try, if I can, to find a way the insert a warning screen like in the beginning of hamlet as it was in beta.

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Yeah, but...every single one of them?

Aha...from recipe.lua

    -- This has to happen first, since ROG overwrites Vanilla and Shipwrecked overwrites both
    if SaveGameIndex:IsModeShipwrecked() then
        valid_recipes = MergeMaps(valid_recipes, Shipwrecked_Recipes)
    elseif SaveGameIndex:IsModePorkland() then
        valid_recipes = MergeMaps(valid_recipes, Porkland_Recipes)
        valid_recipes = MergeMaps(valid_recipes, Vanilla_Recipes)

        if rog_enabled then
            valid_recipes = MergeMaps(valid_recipes, RoG_Recipes)            

I always read it as subsequent if's, not else's. Damn.

Well, I'm intrigued, and if I had the time, I'd look into it. This seems like a mod that'll have some problems at some point, but I don't have time to test it. If you find something, please make a thread on the forum. Very interested :D

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Yes, there might be doubles but since they don`t shop up two times, I found it simpler to be on the save side and add one to many instead of forgetting one.

I tried this also:

local Recipe = GLOBAL.Recipe

local Rec1 = Recipe("saddlehorn", {Ingredient("twigs", 2), Ingredient("boneshard", 2), Ingredient("feather_crow", 1)}, RECIPETABS.TOOLS,  TECH.SCIENCE_TWO, {RECIPE_GAME_TYPE.PORKLAND})

But es soon as I turned the 

dont_starve_compatible = false

reign_of_giants_compatible = false

shipwrecked_compatible = false

hamlet_compatible = true

it didn`t work any more

Perhabs if we find a solution here, it might also solve a problem with an other mod I started to make. I have a new prefab of a structure there but I cann`t get it into the tabs

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