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Allergic reaction might be too strong

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I noticed quite a few people refuse to print dupes with this trait. I can see it is quite a strong effect and requires you to build your base in a certain way or keep all the sources of floral scents outside. But there`s another issue.

An allergic dupe gets the allergic reaction instantly unlike other diseases which kinda makes sense for allergy. But it means he can get the effect up to 5 times per cycle. There is no grace period where the allergy can`t happen again.

Allergy seems to have a 100% chance to happen everytime the dupe passes an tile with 100 floral scent "germs". It gets hard to see how far the scents reach and the dupe can get allergic reactions from quite a far from your bristle farm.

Immune boosters have no effect on floral scents (and probably shouldn`t for it to remain realistic) and the allergy pills take bristle seeds. Having a bristle farm capable of feeding 10 dupes won`t provide enough seeds for a single allergic dupe.

Finally the biggest issue is the stress debuff (200%/cycle which effectively adds 20% stress during one allergy attack). That combined with multiple allergy reactions per cycle can quickly get a dupe to 100% stress out of nothing. I got one dupe that got his stress reaction 3 times during 2 cycles and there was nothing i could do about it other than locking him in a room until i bould enough doors to restrict his access to all the allergy sources.

Overall i think either the stress debuff should be lowered (no other disease hurts as much atm) or it hould take more floral scents to get the allergy proced along with some sort of delay. Additionally i think the allergy pills effect should last longer so it`s easier to keep the dupe`s allergy surpressed earlygame when every seed matters.

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Allergics are totally worthless. just dont pick them, but if we could get allergics that work i guess that they would have to:

- less stress debuff

- only get allergic reaction if the area is above set 5000 floral germs

- alergic pills cost balm lilys only


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