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Werebeaver + actions

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A long time ago I tried to get the werebeaver to have more actions such as, shaving beefalo and pitchforking but the problem is that they're not inside the action picker and rather in componentactions.lua

local function RightClickPicker(inst, target)
    if target ~= nil and target ~= inst then
        for i, v in ipairs(BEAVER_DIET) do
            if target:HasTag("edible_"..v) then
                return inst.components.playeractionpicker:SortActionList({ ACTIONS.EAT }, target, nil)

        return (target:HasTag("HAMMER_workable") and
                inst.components.playeractionpicker:SortActionList({ ACTIONS.HAMMER }, target, nil))
            or (target:HasTag("DIG_workable") and
                target:HasTag("sign") and
                inst.components.playeractionpicker:SortActionList({ ACTIONS.DIG }, target, nil))
						  or (target:HasTag("hat") and
                inst.components.playeractionpicker:SortActionList({ ACTIONS.PICKUP }, target, nil)) 
										  or (target:HasTag("groundtile") and
                inst.components.playeractionpicker:SortActionList({ ACTIONS.TERRAFORM }, target, nil)) 
														  or (target:HasTag("beefalo") and
                inst.components.playeractionpicker:SortActionList({ACTIONS.SHAVE)}, target, nil)) 
        or nil

here's the code for terraforming in componenactions.lua for terraform

        terraformer = function(inst, doer, pos, actions, right)
            if right and TheWorld.Map:CanTerraformAtPoint(pos:Get()) then
                table.insert(actions, ACTIONS.TERRAFORM)

        shaver = function(inst, doer, target, actions)
            if target:HasTag("bearded") and
                not (doer.replica.rider ~= nil and doer.replica.rider:IsRiding()) then
                table.insert(actions, ACTIONS.SHAVE)

so um, can anyone help me please? In game what ends up happening is that the beaver has the option to shave but he doesn't complete the action, he sort of just stutters and as for the terraformer, he doesn't even bother to detect turfs.

Edited by ColombianCam
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