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Ventilation system slow

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I am getting into the late game and I constantly find that the speed which gasses flow though vents are too slow, this issue is compounded by trying to fill multiple atmo suits.

Some of the issue happens when there is a branching path. Any path makes the gas stop and figure out where to go but that delay can happen multiple times and nothing expect pushing all oxygen directly into atmo suits seems to fix it but then that leads to another issue.

Putting directly into the suits means that it is possible that gas backs up to the eletrolyzer then production stops which stops hydrogen production which stalls power.



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The issue seems to be about the gas pipes branching. To avoid the stalls instead of a simple branch use a bridge with 2 output pipes. It will eliminate the stalls and allow a stead flow if one side backs up. If you are concerned of your pipe backimg up after suits are filled extend the pipe past the atmo suit output to a vent. Once the suits are filled the oxygen will go to the vent so the flow continues.

I could help more if you added a screenshot of your pipe system.

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While I connect my suit docks to my ventilation system, I also typically have a local gas pump and a filter for oxygen. That way the suits fill up rapidly instead of waiting for oxygen to make it all the way from the electrolyzers. Assuming, of course, that there's a decent amount of oxygen near the new dock.

Once the docks are fully, typically the regular ventilation system will keep them full. The pump only really helps with that initial oxygen fill, which can take a while.

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Also worth noting that gas pumps only pump at half the capacity of a duct: 500g/s, while ducts can carry 1000g/s. Note that this is unlike liquid pumps which pump at 10kg/s, which is the full capacity of a pipe. Using two pumps/duct, and using bridges to branch should get things flowing a lot faster for you.

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