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The new update in a nutshell

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Well they didn't let Walani Warly and Woodlegs craft their exclusive items outisde of Shipwrecked still so to be honest for mains of those characters the mods still worth picking up. Also the new merged crafting system does require going to the world the item you want to craft originates in to prototype it first so if you wanted to craft Bat Cowls and other such items with not entirely world-exclusive ingredients in like RoG without traveling to another world to prototype it can still be quite convenient.

(Yes I know this post is a joke, just figured I'd mention all this.)

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40 minutes ago, Portmanteau said:

Well they didn't let Walani Warly and Woodlegs craft their exclusive items outisde of Shipwrecked still so to be honest for mains of those characters the mods still worth picking up.

It is possible to craft them with the Brain of Thought so it ain't that bad but definitely something that should be looked into.

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