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How to deal with bottled germy water?

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Build a dump tank for all water. By around cycle 15-30 you should be switching to bristle blossoms. Depends on how fast you get plumbing and advanced food tech.
by looking at

Mealwood.                                    Brislte blossom.
You need 21.18 or 22 plants        18 plants
211.76 Kg dirt                               NO dirt
176.47 Kg water                           360Kg water.

In addition you need the action of picking up the dirt 1-2 times every cycle.(depends at what time it was delivered on previous cycle.)
Picking up the water from the bottler and dispenser and feeding to the musher as well as the mealwood and the harvesting.
Along with h2o usage and all the dupe interaction. It will cost you more in dupe interaction.
Less interaction. More time to dig and build and get farther faster.

Now wait a minute. That looks like it takes more water to feed the dupes.
Yes that may be. However early game it's about dupe efficiency. Get things done researched and built.

As well as the 11.7 KG per dupe of toilet water is free.
That's 70.2 Kg That brings it down to 289.8Kg.
What else you going to do with germy water.
You don't have to give them farmers touch. I don't to start with. All the other food I find around is enough.
When you get a dedicated farmer, Algae distiller and fertilizer maker. Then why not.
Early game. it's about dupe efficiency

With farmers touch but should be later. Bristle blossoms cost less.
So. Brislte blossoms cost less in water. Can use germy water.
You can use normal farm tiles if you don't have all the plumbing set up.
The dupes will just carry the water there and feed to blossoms manually.
What's the difference of carrying manually to a dump site or to a farm tile.

At least with a farm tile you don't have to worry about plumbing.
Add in a few pincha nuts and you have high moral for a few dupes.

As I switch to brislte blossoms. I leave 1 mealwood plant for new dupes till I start leveling him up. Also a good back up just in case.
All germ water from anywhere goes through to 4 pincha nut plants and any overflow goes through a separate sieve to feed the about 10 bristle blossom plants.
Any water outside the base I sweep up. All goes into the same dump tank.
Pockets of po2 water get dug out and fall into good tank for sieve to be processed into O2.
I use free range wheat seed for the rest. I do not harvest them manually. There is enough on the map from 1-2 cold biomes to produce enough frost buns for 6+ dupes alone. 
I also pick up free range mushrooms for fill and any eggs the printer gives as well as omlette bbq.
Hathces I let drop and egg but sweep it up into container to be auto raw egg. 
Pacu voles etc I attack and get the meat immediately.

I'm on cycle 300. I've used 1 starting pocket of water up.
I went about 10-20 cycles into the 2 pocket but got exo suits just after and starting hunting down pockets of po2 water.

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