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An evil that ruins an experience of fluid progression ... Pigman and Bunnyman

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Good morning, my name is Eliseo Aramayo and I write with the intention of making a constructive criticism about the house of pigmen and bunnyman.
I can affirm with arguments that it is one of the overloaded objects of power that we can find in the game, why?
Construct them infinitely in our world, the fact of not having any type of penalty (with this I do not allude to the penalties for having near the creatures); an unlimited source of food and a weapon of infinite use.
On the raised base, to be able to make automatic farming farms or even kill bosses like the beequeen; without being in any moment in minimal danger operates against everything that the experience of DST proposes. Game in which to kill the most innocent game has consequences, however the mechanics of being able to build houses of rabbit man and pig man infinitely do not possess absolutely any; as an example I highlight the mechanics of replanting basic resources where every time there is the probability of diseased plants with the possibility of expanding the pest to the other plants and ultimately of not treating themselves in time to die.
As a consequence, the massive abuse removes the incentive to go exploring in search of new sources of food and poses a form of static play where it is impossible to develop new techniques for survival or different routes for a new experience, which leaves a very clear premature boredom at least in terms of survival.
To finish I would not want this to be misunderstood as the unconditional of all players what I propose is a change in the mechanics raised previously, not allow the construction of new houses but those that exist in the world are self-regenerating as "hamlet"; balancing the rewards by being destroyed to avoid overexploitation.
With great gratitude I thank you for your reading and the authors of such a wonderful work for the new content for DST.

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Again this. DST is a survival sandbox game - accent on sandbox, meaning you don't have a goal beside survival and "road from scarcity to prosperity". Tell me pls, what incentive do I have in playing a "perpetual forced scarcity" game without an actual end? We don't have a story, we don't have an Adventure Mode. If I want to test my proverbial mittens in "hardcore" survival I go on a Survival Winter server as Wes - that's the epitome of survival in DST. I "struggle" to find resources while not freezing or starving, I "fight" to research my way to the Thermal Stone and basic needed tools like Lantern, Miner Hat, Umbrella/Rain Hat, Walking Cane and Tam, maybe kill Deer if it spawns on me. And that's it. That's the amount of Survival am willing to take, the logarithmic curve till plateau of things to do before it becomes boring. I will not run on map ad infinitum for carrots and berries because is a waste of time, is boring and I want to have a sense of progression in food department as well. Sadly that's how much survival can do for you until becoming a chore. And let's be serious, is not like Pigmen or especially Bunnymen are danger-free in farms - 1 careless misclick and you are very much cross-bone style of a "floater".

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This is against the basic principles of the game from single player through DST. There's absolutely no chance such a suggestion would be implemented, so it's kind of pointless to argue about it, but here goes: 

You are certainly free to impose challenges on yourself to shape your own runs as you prefer. I recommend that you try, say, a caveman run, where you can't build either a science machine or an alchemy engine, and have to rely on blueprints from tumbleweeds. But a huge part of the player base is here to build mega bases and devise ingenious ways to adapt the game's mechanics to farm food and gather resources, including boss drops. That's part of the fun of it, and if Klei objected to fire farms, etc., they would have removed the possibility long ago. 

Fighting a boss in the conventional fashion is *in no way* superior to creating an elaborate trap to kill it with bunny houses or pigs. The idea that one way is the "real" way to get the job done is an illusion. Both are valid ways to play the game.

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