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[Help] Shadow Waxwell Issues

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So lately I've returned from a break and decided to start modding again, I noticed one of the modded characters I play have a new bug related to a recent update, to where the minion they have do not work entirely.

My issue is that I've tried to recreate the original Maxwells Minions, to where they automatically swap to the item necessary.
I haven't come close, If anyone has any information or even the answer that'd be great. ^^

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So as you know the Shadow Maxwells require to be crafted specifically for the job you make them for.

I want to recreate them so that they're universal, as in if they're near a rock they'll mine, a tree they'll chop, a stump they'll dig, You get the idea ^^

As they were like in the original DS.

I currently have a few files, old replicas of Shadow Waxwells. Doesn't work anymore though it seems.

Edited by Bosoca
Forgot to mention what I have.
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I'm sorry, I have no idea how they work (the code), and I've never looked at brains before, and only a little bit of stategraph manipulation. I'd be stumbling about as much as you. Right now, I don't have very much time on my hands because of real-life, so I can't really take on another project.

I hope some of the other more experienced guys can help. Otherwise, you'll have to do it yourself. And you can. If you know LUA, get in there. Look at the current code. Understand exactly how they work. You can overwrite/extend some of their functions just to put print-statements in there, so you can see exactly what's going on. That's what I do. It's gritty work, and it only works when you're all done with it :) The print-statements can be of good use to at least know that you're on the right track ;)

Edited by Ultroman
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