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Prohibition on equipping item

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9 minutes ago, Ultroman said:

Just extend the Equip function on its equippable-component, and do

if owner.prefab ~= "wilson"

-- run the original function


Should this work?

AddPrefabPostInit("greenamulet", function(inst)
	if GetModConfigData("wilson_ezrecipe") > 0 and GLOBAL.TheWorld.ismastersim then
		local function onequip_green(inst, owner)
			if owner.prefab ~= "wilson"
			owner.AnimState:OverrideSymbol("swap_body", "torso_amulets", "greenamulet")
			owner.components.builder.ingredientmod = TUNING.GREENAMULET_INGREDIENTMOD
			inst.onitembuild = function()
			inst:ListenForEvent("consumeingredients", inst.onitembuild, owner)


Oh, error, need add "then".

I don't know why, but AddPrefabPostInit don't work.

I use this code:

	if owner.prefab == "wilson" then
		owner.components.builder.ingredientmod = TUNING.WILSON_GREEN
		owner.components.builder.ingredientmod = 1


Edited by Tezumoto
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No, that won't work. You can't override local functions like that. You should also try your best to avoid copying whole functions and overriding them. Instead, you should extend them. There is a SetOnEquip function for when you want to change the onequip function, since it's a local function which you cannot access.

Also, that's not what I said you should do. I said to extend the Equip function (it's not local, so it's easy). If you override the onequip function, you're too "late in the game" to prevent the whole equipping of the item. The onequip function is executed as the item is being equipped, so at that point it'll be equipped no matter what you do.

This is how you extend a function. The Equip function is not local, so it's easy.

AddPrefabPostInit("greenamulet", function(inst)
	if GetModConfigData("wilson_ezrecipe") > 0 and GLOBAL.TheWorld.ismastersim then
		-- Store the original Equip function (this will keep it compatible with other mods which might also have extended this function)
		local old_equip = inst.components.equippable.Equip
		-- Replace the Equip function with a new one. Notice that we add "self" to it, since the function is declared with a :.
		inst.components.equippable.Equip = function (self, owner)
			if owner.prefab ~= "wilson"
			-- Run the original Equip function, if your check above has not already returned from our function.
			old_equip(self, owner)


Edited by Ultroman
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