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Not enough info about set pieces!


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Set pieces is one of the best things I like about this game. Many people have discovered a lot of them yet only a few are listed in the Wiki. Many set pieces doesn't have enough info about them either. Many are ones that people would never find, like the Spider trap set piece with a Spider warrior guarding some stuff; I have nor seen this in game nor any video showing it. Also the set piece in ROG that yoy find in Sandbox mode was already in Adventure mode ages ago and that was not mentioned in the wiki (set piece with M being made up of evil flowers).

Also, devs doesn't tell us how to make set pieces ourselves as mods, which SUCKS cause me and I'm sure many other people would like to make some mods including set pieces. If there is already a mod inclusing a set piece, please tell me and LINK IT (Else I'll just consider it a lie).

I really like set pieces but the fact that it's a think "we can't touch" sucks. I want more info about dem please!

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You would have to go into the mod forum to ask about mods.  I don't think there is though, that's part of world gen and I am not aware of much of that being modded.  I do think as the game continues to grow, we may say a map editor/challenge mode where you can build your own difficult world and share it with your friends to try and survive.  If not, they should read that and think about it :joyous:


As far as info on set pieces, I agree it is one of the most exciting things, especially for new players.  Coming across some awesome items early in game is always exciting.

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So what about the world generation? Can't it be edited? I mean come on, it's programming; anything can be done, right?


Yeah I'm sure it can.  Again, you would have to go the mods forum and talk to the modders about that.  I'm guessing each set piece has a file and during world generation it randomly selects from the group.  Probably isn't too hard to create a custom set piece, but being able to choose specific set pieces on world generation is a whole different matter.

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Probably isn't too hard to create a custom set piece, but being able to choose specific set pieces on world generation is a whole different matter.

Difficulty aside, from what I've heard modders say, that's correct.

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Yeah I'm sure it can.  Again, you would have to go the mods forum and talk to the modders about that.  I'm guessing each set piece has a file and during world generation it randomly selects from the group.  Probably isn't too hard to create a custom set piece, but being able to choose specific set pieces on world generation is a whole different matter.

What about making it so it doesn't choose? Instead all are put in the world; of course if you set the boons to All which would be an option after Lots in World options!


I mainly get how it works; All set pieces are made individually, on an editor or something, then they're opened in program and probably read, if not mistaken. Then a function is made, so that it chooses between the amount of set pieces you've set (None, Less, Default, More, Lots) between the ones that are listed and installs in a map on random (not really on random, some kind of function is made, real complex that makes all comps choose something in some way, which for a human would need like 5 years to work out or something). 


So, I'm guessing to make all Set pieces install you need to make a new option, or something, say called All. And if it's selected, to make the program install in the map every single one listed somehow, or something.


And to make your own appear, just make it with an editor, and put it in the program, if I'm not mistaken, right?


It's obviously a bit more complex, but in brief description, that's how it works, right?

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So, where do I find the Worldgen? In what folder of my Don't starve data folder? I'm just curious, wanna check out and mess around with the program a bit (And no, I will not make it so that I break the game completely - I will copy and paste the original, just in case of course).

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