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  1. @SuperPotatoBros, Yes, though I just realized that you're asking about DST on the DS forum <.< In any case, this is the error: [00:00:16]: [string "scripts/util.lua"]:384: Could not find an asset matching anim/ghost_Bunnylord_build.zip in any of the You should redo your mod with all filenames using lower case only. In addition, your prefab name should be lower case if it's not already. For the most part, anything you create that's not a string that's displayed on screen in game should be lowercase, for safety.
  2. @Mobbstar, Man... I noticed that occuring when I was developing the Treeslacoil + Magnechest mod. At first I thought my devices were draining more energy than they should have. Spent forever scratching my head about that one until I realized it wasn't on my end, hah. It felt so sporadic so I wasn't able to replicate it reliably.
  3. That doesn't make any sense. That depends on how you work and what you want to accomplish. This is the same point as #2 Have fun trying to make that look as good as Klei's animations without knowing how animations work.
  4. Edit: I should also mention that you need to use the mention tag for those @ things to notify people. You can do that by selecting some text in their post and clicking mention. You are making demands based on an apparent misunderstanding about how the animation system works. For the past several weeks, I have been messing with the klei binary formats, so trust me, I know what I'm talking about. I also created a Lua script that can read the raw binary data from anim.bin and build.bin files and parse it into Lua tables, if you want to take a peek into them. In any case, if you are making something that's not a playable character, you need animations for it. If you are making a playable character, those animations are provided by the anim.bin files located in the various player_*.zip files in the /data/anim/ and /data/DLC0001/anim/ directories. When compiling, the scml.exe program takes your spriter project and generates both anim.bin and build.bin files. Another program then creates a texture file (atlas-#.tex) consisting of all the images used by symbols in your animations. The build.bin file contains information about how to get the symbols out of that texture file. Unlike images, symbols are not necessarily square. They are (potentially) complex polygons. That's how the game knows what the clickable region of an entity is. Symbols are also not necessarily a single image. Some symbols have many images. These are each separate 'symbol frames'-- the face symbol is probably the best example of this, because each face is the same symbol but a different frame. Each folder in your Spriter project's root directory is considered by the compiler to be a symbol, and each image within that folder is a symbol frame. The game's animations contain keyframes which in turn contain a list of elements used in the frame, as well as the name of the symbol that that each element represents. When creating a player character, the only thing that the game needs is the build.bin and atlas files for your character. You can even delete the anim.bin from your .zip without consequence if you want to save a tiny bit of space. As long as you specify that build for your player character, you are good to go, since the symbol names in the character template correspond to those used by the player animations. Last thing: This is impossible due to technological limitations inherent to Spriter. Spriter only supports very basic transformations(scale, rotation, position). Klei's artists use Flash to create the animations, and the klei format supports the same manner of transform that Flash does, which is called a 2d matrix transform. This type of transform allows for distortions that aren't possible in Spriter, like skew. Imagine holding a dish with a big gelatin mold cube on it. If you shook the plate back and forth, the top of the mold would move while the bottom would stay affixed to the plate. That is essentially what skew is, and it cannot be represented in Spriter. Attempting to convert from the 2d matrix transform to the Spriter type results in strange, distorted animations whenever the transform can't be represented.
  5. @NoOne, I'm not sure what you're saying here, but the character templates effectively act like "swap everything"s for both DS and DST (the difference being that the swapped in symbols become the default rather than overrides.) @FreakinSweet,
  6. I don't think the game could display them if that were the case-- the scml compiler just automatically names them "symbol0", etc
  7. @Notsoinsaneguy, This is correct. It's not obvious without dissecting the binaries that get generated from the SCML, but the directory used to contain images actually gets converted into a 'symbol', with all images in that directory turning into 'symbol frames'. Naturally, this is important to a function called "OverrideSymbol"
  8. Might have something to do with the fact that the line that swaps your item into the player character's animations is commented out
  9. This is the wrong place to request help for that-- for questions not pertaining to the extended sample character, you should start a new thread. Pretty much everything you want to do though have been asked multiple times over, a forum search should guide you in the right direction. Hoo boy, good luck...
  10. This is due to a bug in the core game. I submitted a bug report.
  11. I didn't think I'd be able to get it into 90px while being legible. I had to compact "your" code a bit.
  12. @DarkXero, You churn out code snippets so fast, I have determined that you aren't human. Since you have no avatar to confirm this, attached is an avatar-sized representation of what I suspect you might be.
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