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Character select help

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So im in  the process of making a mod for a commission of mine but when i test it the select screen doesn't show the custom name and the select icon is willow's face rather then the custom chara's. Everything in the art aspect of the mod aside from the big ports are done and i've went into every folder scratching my head that i cant still cant find the issue. Any help? I'm so close so finally finishing this thing and this is the only thing holding me back.

(Big ports are still being worked on) 



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Ah boy, whats with all the don't starve together modding questions ending up in don't starve modding forums?(there is a bit of difference coding wise) Either way this isn't enough to go by I mean it could be: the avatar images, the bigportraits not being included, the code be wrong coding inside the assets of the modmain, and I could keep guessing. But that's not what we really want, if anything you could post the mod file and see if me or someone else who beats me sees whats wrong. Or if your not fine with posting the file publicly send me a message with the file attached and ill see what I can do.

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