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Coding Assistance, character gets stronger when other players are around

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Hello, I'm new to the world of character modding (and coding in general) and have no clue on how to do this, I'm currently using Dleowolf's blank template mod to try and create a character for a friend's birthday gift. (


I would like it if someone could help or teach me how to me write the code that when the character, Jubilee, has

x0 player nearby - 0.8 * the strength of wilson (already done due to the templete mod)
x1 player nearby  - 1.2 * the strength of wilson
x2 players nearby - 1.5 * the strength of wilson
x3 players nearby  - 2 * the strength of wilson

Please and thank you in advance!

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--put this anywhere above common and master postinit functions in ur character.lua
local function getstrength(inst)
	local x,y,z = inst.Transform:GetWorldPosition()
	local radius = 10--change the radius to whatever you want
	local players = TheSim:FindEntities(x, y, z, radius, {"player"}, {"playerghost"}) --get all players in radius, but not ghosts
	local playercount = #players - 1 -- remove your self from the player count 
	local dmgmult = 0.8
	if playercount >= 3 then
		dmgmult = 2
	elseif playercount == 2 then
		dmgmult = 1.5
	elseif playercount == 1 then
		dmgmult = 1.2
	inst.components.combat.damagemultiplier = dmgmult --wilsons damage multiplier is 1 I believe, so there's not point of multiplying by 1.

--put this in the masterpostinit function
inst:DoPeriodicTask(1, getstrength)

This should work just fine, it checks every second

Edited by Aquaterion
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