[Bug Report] Hammering Ships Destroys Content

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I haven't tested this with the other ships but if it happens on the Row Boat, then I reckon it would also happen on larger boats. Feel free to test it yourself and reply down below if the result is any different. I've done the requisites and searched the SW forums with the terms "Hammer Ship" which resulted in no reports of the issue I'm posting this thread for.


Anyhow to the meat of this bug report, if your ship has items in it i.e. sails, lantern, etc. and you hammer the ship while it still has all these items, the ship will break normally but the items that were on the ship will be virtually removed from the game.


I've only thought about "What would happen if I hammer this Row Boat while it still has a sail?" when my Row Boat had below 20 durability with an almost used up Thatch Sail. So I landed ashore and hammered away, the boat still had the Thatch Sail while I hammered it down. Boat popped then dropped two vines and two boards with no sail.


Expected result was, two vines, two boards and the almost depleted Thatch Sail.


I hope this is clear enough, cheers.

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